Part 8

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It had been a week and a half since you've awakened from your slight coma and you were finally back in Beacon. You've successfully recovered from any remaining injuries as well as the pain finally starting to fade.

As of now, you were walking out of your last class of the day. You didn't exactly have any time during the day since you were catching up on both school work and training. Luckily you've completed most of them during a week back in Beacon.

Pyrrha: (Y/N)! I'm glad to have caught you before you disappeared again!

(Y/N): Ah, hello Pyrrha. I apologize but I had to train twice as much to make up for what I've missed, luckily there wasn't much school work since I haven't been gone long.

Pyrrha: That's good but you should at least take a small break and spend time with your friends.

(Y/N): I've spent as much of my free time with Ruby. It wasn't much but she understood right away.

Pyrrha: That's lovely! I didn't know whether it was true that the two of you have gotten together.

(Y/N): Well now you know. Although I was a little disappointed when I missed out on the food fight. 

Pyrrha: it was literally a food fight...

(Y/N): Well if you'd excuse me Pyrrha, I promised Ruby that is teach her a few things about throwing weapons again.

Pyrrha: Aw, you two were just made for each other!

(Y/N): We're not just cute couple, you know.


Some time had passed ever since you returned to Beacon. You were back into full strength after all of your training and you're accuracy with your throwing weapons are still sharp as ever. although, you've decided to try something a bit more difficult.

You and Ruby were in a small training area in the Emerald Forest. One were to think that they were clearly exposed but the area around them was completely layered with deadly traps to fend off any Grimm.

(Y/N): Are the targets setup?

Ruby: Yeah! Ready whenever you are!

Taking a deep breath and exhaling, you jumped high in the air only for you to fall to the ground. Luckily for you, this is exactly what you had in mind because you drew a handful of kunai and threw them around while falling to the ground. The throwing weapons then clashed with each other to throw each other into different directions but half of them ricocheted back towards the user. When it seemed that you were going to take a direct hit, you disappeared in mid air and reappeared in a landing stance.

Every single kunai that you threw hit every target in the center. Ruby couldn't hold in her excitement and started jumping in joy.

Ruby: You hit every single one of them! Even the ones hiding behind the rocks!

(Y/N): A good way to end today's session, don't you think?

Ruby: We have been out for a couple of hours and it almost lunch time.

After recollecting the fallen shuriken and kunai, the both of you were about to leave until the sounds of screams and explosions were heard in the distance.

(Y/N): Great, it took me nearly a whole day to ready those traps.

You pinched your nose bridge when the terrified screams have gotten much closer with more explosions following behind.

Ruby: Should we go help whoever that is?

(Y/N): Give it a few more seconds.

Immediately after your words, two certain individuals flew out of the forest and into the small clearing. Ruby was trying her best to hold in her laughter when the two new arrivals were practically burnt in a cartoonish way.

(Y/N): Oh it's you two.

You immediately recognize the two individuals as Sun and Neptune. Sun immediately stood and pointed a finger at you.

Sun: You!

(Y/N): Me what?

Sun: Why the hell does Blake look up to you so much?

Ruby: He is the older brother of my team, well except me of of course!

Sun: uh, older brother?

(Y/N): If that what you'd like to call it...

Neptune: Told you, Sun.

(Y/N): Right... Well of that's all you'd like to know then Ruby and I will be taking our leave.

The two of you were about to head back to Beacon until Sun called out to you.

Sun: Hey, wait!

You stopped and turned around to see Sun clapping his hands together with a goofy smile.

Sun: Do you think you can show me a bit of your fighting style?

(Y/N): Like a spar?

Sun: Yeah, right now.

You began to think for a few seconds but you were already quick with a response since it was nearing lunch hour.

(Y/N): ... No.

Neptune: Told you so, again.

Wasting no time, the monkey Faunus took the opportunity to actvate his semblance spawning two golden clones.

(Y/N): *in thought* come on, we don't have time for this...

You vanished into thin air and reappeared between the two golden clones in the blink of an eye. You sent a powerful kick on the one to your right and maneuvered yourself to elbow the other one in the gut. Both of the clones disappeared and the energy from the both of them returned to the nervous Faunus.

After the whole display, you appears beside Ruby and the two of you walked off to grab some lunch from Vale.

Neptune: I think he was probably upset about us ruining his traps.

Sun: Yeah... I didn't even see him move... I only wanted to see if the rumors were true...

Back With You and Ruby

Ruby: Funny, I imagined you going a bit overboard.

(Y/N): Nah, I'll properly spar with him next time. I just wanted to spend as much of my free time with my girl. Besides, we also have a dance to plan for.

Ruby gasped knowing that the last part you said was true.

Ruby: You're right! 

(Y/N): I've been thinking...

Ruby looked at you as you formed a small smile at her.

(Y/N): How about we give them an entrance worth remembering?

Ruby grinned back knowing what you had in mind.

Ruby: You kidding? Let's make sure they know that we aren't just some cute couple!

You laughed before the two of you brought each other in for a kiss. The both of you parted before continuing your walk back to Beacon for a ride to Vale.

(Y/N): That's why I love you, Ruby.

She grabbed your arm with both of hers as the two of you continued your trek.

Ruby: I love you too, (Y/N)!

To be continued!

Alright so I'm not sure how long till I finish this one but I'm pretty much going to start the next story right after this one is posted. I'll do my best to balance out the updates between the two so please bear with me as I try my best to write two stories at once.

Anyways that's all I have to say so thank you all for sticking around after all this time and I'll see you all in the next one!

Just a heads up the next is Yang!

Ruby Rose x Male Reader:  A Rose for a NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now