Part 5

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You were moving from rooftop to rooftop  in the cut of Vale. You were still wearing your usual outfit but it was underneath a black robe and a mask of the anbu black ops. You hid your identity just in case any authorities were to mistake you for the one in the articles.

You've arrived at the location where the mystery person was last seen. People are nowhere to found since the area could be dangerous for just about anyone. That is until a couple of officers walked around a corner, so you decide to land in front of them for information.

Officer 1: What the hell? This area's closed off for police investigation so you'd best leave!

(Y/N): Don't worry, I too am investigating this case. As a matter of fact, I've been sent to eliminate the suspect.

Officer 2: Yeah right! Like you can do such a thing!

(Y/N): Actually, I'd like for you to stop your investigation.

Officer 1: No can do, this our investigation. Now beat it or we'll escort you out of the crime scene.

(Y/N): how will you do that with your hands cuffed together?

Both police officers looked down to see one of their hands cuffed to each other's own hand. They looked up at you nervously when they felt a strange feeling from you.

(Y/N): Now, you will tell me anything you have on your case. Then you will withdraw from your investigation, this isn't any simple murder case. What you are dealing with is something far beyond your reach, you could die if this goes on any further.

Officer 2: Alright we'll give you everything we have! It's not much but it's all we've got!

Officer 1: Really?! You're giving up that easy?!

Officer 2: I don't wanna die! I have kids and so do you!

Officer 1: Ah hell you're right!

(Y/N): Enough!

Both stopped and see you looking up into the sky.

Police 1: Quick question, you a huntsman?

(Y/N): You could say that....

You felt a strange presence from a distance, it wasn't anything you've ever felt before. You looked at the two officers who were still cuffed together.

(Y/N): Hmm.... I guess this it. Listen, notify your fellow officers to stay away from an incoming battle. I'll do my best to draw him outside of the city to minimize the damage. If I can't then I want for you to move the civilians to a safe location.

Officers: You got it, boss!

They both ran to their police cruiser while you moved towards the strange presence. The closer you were to the presence, the more you recognized four others in the area.

(Y/N): Damn! Let's hope I get there before they try something!

With Team RWBY

Yang: Oh geez, this day can't get anymore worse.

Ruby: Just as I thought the four of us can finally spend some time as a team.

At the moment, Blake and Weiss were getting in an argument of their own. The arguing started after they had witnessed a blonde monkey Faunus running past them as he was running away from the authorities. Then Weiss called him a certain name as to which Blake took offense to and they started yelling at each other.

Just as things were about to get worse, all of them felt a sudden chill.

???: So noisy...

Ruby and Yang turned to an alley way to see a dark shadow slowly moving towards the group.

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