Part 6

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(Y/N): You're the real traitor here!

You lunge at the mysterious figure with you weapon drawn to throw a few slashes but he quickly dodged all three of them. After you small barrage he sent a powerful blast of darkness at point blank, although you dodged out of the way by jumping over his head.

???: You've gotten better

You were about to go in for the kill until he turned around to block your attack with his dark encased hand. You jumped back as he was about to retaliate with his own slash of darkness.

???: Hm... My turn...

A shockwave was blasted from himself shattering all of the glass in a whose radius. He charged at you with full speed, barely leaving you anytime to block his attack with your sword. You were struggling to keep his attack at bay although you noticed your weapon was being taken in by the darkness. You brought your weapon back and true to escape but another wave of darkness towered over you. Instead of running this time, you went through a few hand signs to create a powerful attack.

(Y/N): Fire Style

The figure's eyes widened after seeing the hand signs.

(Y/N): Fireball Jutsu!

A massive ball of fire erupted from your mouth, destroying the wave of darkness and your massive flames.

???: Such destructive power from such a basic attack...

You turned to locate where the voice came from but it was nowhere to seen. That is until you felt something different about yourself.

???: Interesting memories... You're quite fond of the one in the red cloak...

That's when you've realized it, the person completely possessed your body. You tried to move your own body but it wouldn't budge.

???: there's no point...

(Y/N): ... Just who are you?

???: Nobody important... Just one of the many names that have been wrongfully ignored during our time of need... You remember that don't you? The requests we've sent out for help... Only to be declined by these so called protectors of Renmant. Even that headmaster of yours was one of them... I was there when he declined the request... You want to know why he declined? He saw us shinobi as blood thirsty murderers who only act if there's some type of killing involved...

(Y/N): ... 

???: Why not abandon these fools and join me? We can restore our village and bring the fight to these hunters.

(Y/N): No!

The figure was shocked when your arm moved to grab your weapon off of the ground. You then stabbed yourself in the stomach to try your luck at a risky move.

???: urrghhh... You're mad!

You can tell that figure was injured when you inflicted self injury to try and force him out of your body. 

(Y/N): Perhaps... But if that's what it takes for you to die then so be it...

You moved in for another stop but the figure jumped out in time to reappear a few feet in front of you, you can tell he was injured from the blood that leaked from his body. You were able to stop yourself in time before you can do anymore damage.

(Y/N): *in thought* great... I think I went to deep on the first stab...

(Y/N): Now then, let's continue.

You brought a handful of kunai and shuriken in both hands. You disappeared in the blink of an eye and reappeared from multiple locations throwing your weapons at the dark figure. The figure barely dodged and blocked a few of the throwing weapons only for most of them to hit their target.

The figure opened his eyes to meet with three copies of you falling on top of him with swords ready for a stab. He launched another shockwave to destroy your copies but afterwards he felt a string on his back. 

(Y/N): Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jjutsu

A powerful wave of fire spread in multiple different areas as if it was traveling along specifically set up wires. The flames reached their destination creating a large explosion of flames and what appeared to have been magma mixed inside of it. The smoke cleared as a molten crater was left behind with darkened figure nowhere to be found.

You landed next to the crater panting from the pain and near exhaustion. You clutched the wound when the pain started radiating again.

(Y/N): I think I put a little too much in that last attack...

???: Why... You...

You were shocked when you found the figure slowly rising from the molten crater and slowly moved towards you. Half of the darkness was bra rivalry burnt off of him revealing ragged clothing and a parts of a disfigured face. The revealed parts were heavily burned as even bleeding from your attack.

???: You've used quite a bit of chakra.... And your aura is practically drained from keeping that wound bleeding any further.... Why must it come to this...

(Y/N): Because they've given me a new home... New bonds with others... I'll keep walking Tis path to make sure nobody has to suffer like we did...

You staggered forward but the injury worsened with each step. Doing your best to ignore the pain, you lunged one more time only for him to stab you with multiple dark spikes. You coughed up blood from the attack but that didn't stop you from plunging your blade into the man's heart.

???: Is... That all... You've got... Come on... Prove to me... That you have what it takes...

More blood was trailing off of you as you held the blade inside the man's chest, it was difficult but the blade sunk deeper into his heart. The black spikes that dug into you were causing a pain that was worse than the one you've inflicted on yourself.

Instead of falling unconscious from the blood loss, you've decided to take another risky move to end it all. Your Sharingan then transformed into something else (Madera's Mangekyo Sharingan). A trail of blood exited your right eye as you built up enough power.

(Y/N): Amaterasu!

Black flames burst between the both of you, burning the shadow covered man and yourself. The burning was intense but you didn't fear death.

(Y/N): I don't care if I die here, I'll take you down with me if I have to!

???: So that's how it is!

The figure then pushed you out of the blast and you were sent back without covered in any flames. The man's screaming stopped but he was still covered in the black flames.

???: ... I guess there's no stopping you... 

He slowly walked towards you but you were unable to move from the amount of blood you lost from black covered spikes. What he did next terrified you, he removed his own eyes and held them out to you.

???: When I woke up in this world again, I was filled with rage after looking at our ruined home... After seein your determination and care for others... I guess I changed my mind when you protected your loved one... So I'll do this for you to make amends... You will have the power of the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan...

He launched a trail of darkness that covered your face, leaving your screams muffled from the agonizing pain. After a few minutes you were freed from his clutches and the eyes in his hand were gone.

???: I'm not sure if you'll even survive after our little battle... So long brother... I leave the rest to you...

You barely heard his words before you slipped unconscious, the last thing you heard was the flames intensified and continued to burn.

(Y/N): Brother...

 To be continued...

Ruby Rose x Male Reader:  A Rose for a NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now