Part 7

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Ruby laid there besides Yang's bed in Beacon's infirmary. Yang had been rendered unconscious from the amount of aura that was drained from her body. It had been half an hour since she returned from Vale, along with her other team mates who had sustained minor injuries. 

Just as she was about to leave for any updates on your battle, Yang stirred awake.

Yang: ... Geez what happened?

Ruby: Yang!

Yang looked to find her sister right besides her.

Yang: Hey, Ruby. What in the world happened?

Ruby then began to explain about the scene that occurred during their trip to Vale, especially the part where they were nearly drained of their power.

Yang: So (Y/N) came to the rescue huh?

Ruby: Yeah... 

Yang: Wait he's not back yet?!

Ruby: No... He said he'd come back but... It's been half an hour...

Yang saw the worried look on her sister's face, she gave Ruby a warm smile and a light pat on her head.

Yang: Hey now... I'm sure he's fine. This is the guy that can beat three teams without even trying.

Ruby: Still... I can't help but have a bad feeling...

Knock! Knock!

The door open to reveal Ozpin and Goodwitch entering the room.

Ozpin: Good the rest of you are here.

Ruby: What is it?

Ozpin: (Y/N) is alive.

Ruby peeked up when she heard the headmaster's worlds but she failed to notice the from expression on his face.

Ozpin: But... He is in critical condition. The injuries he received are severe, the doctors are uncertain if he'll survive.

Time stopped for Ruby when the news were told. She simply thought that she must be having some bad dream but everything seemed too real.

Ozpin: I know it must be difficult but there is nothing else we can do. Only thing left is to have faith in him.

Ruby fell to her knees since she was unable to stand any longer. She began to sob after the news finally began to sink in.

Ruby: I never told him how I felt....

Ozpin: I'm so sorry... Your team and JNPR were the only one that were closest to him, I thought it'd be best if I told you before I bring the news to the rest.

3 Weeks Later

Beep! Beep! Beep!

???: Wake up brother... It is time... Unleash your power... 

You quickly open your eyes, revealing the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan (Madara's EMS). 

Ozpin: I didn't think your eyes have reached that stage.

Ozpin stood near the doorway with his usual cup of coffee.

(Y/N): I've awakened my Sharingan at the age of nine. When I witnessed my brother sacrifice himself during the fall of our village, the Mangekyo Sharingan was awakened as well. The last step was to take the eyes of my brother... My brother gifted me his eyes just before my flames burned him to death...

Ruby Rose x Male Reader:  A Rose for a NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now