Part 10

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Your merely observed the abandoned warehouse as you were on top of a building that had quite a bit of space between the two. You were looking for any spots for quick escapes, ambush possibilities, and places for you to gain the advantage on the assailants. After a few minutes of planning, you dropped onto the ground and began to enter the warehouse,

As soon as you walked inside the large open doors, you spotted thirteen various people wearing black robes and anbu black ops masks. You looked up at one of the catwalks to find one of them standing next to a tied up Ruby with duct tape over her mouth. You also noticed that she was dressed in her outfit for the dance.

???: How nice of you to finally join us.

You turned your attention to the one standing next to Ruby.

(Y/N): Who are you and why do you wear that outfit?

???: Does it really matter who we are? After all,  once this is over, we will continue our work in the shadows. 

(Y/N): What is it that you want?

???: We were ordered to give you two choices. You are to abandon your status as a huntsman and join us. We've long abandoned our village to follow a new leader that has actually put our talents to use, rather than pointlessly battle grimm. 

(Y/N): And what leader might that be?

???: We're not allowed to say, but once you join us, you will never see your friends again.

The rogue ninja pulled a kunai and held it to Ruby's throat.

???: Starting with this one.

You froze after hearing what he meant.

(Y/N): And if I don't accept?

The majority of the ninja quickly surrounded you readying their weapons.

???: Both of you die here and we take your Sharingan for our own use.

(Y/N): Have all of you forgotten your ninja way?!

???: No,  we've just moved on to a note suited master. One who has allowed us to use our abilities to it's fullest extent. Now, what is your answer?

Your Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan activated, which surprised Ruby, for an attack.

???: There is no point in catching us off gaurd as long as we don't look into your eyes. We've studied the Uchiha long before the village was decimated by our employer.

(Y/N): By your employer huh....

A strange red aura surrounded you before it expanded creating a rather large figure surrounding your body, this was called the Susano'o. (Itachi's Susano'o)

(Y/N): I'll show you the true power of the Sharingan.

The figure was a red orange person covered in the same covered cloak while holding a sword and shield. The rogue ninja surrounding you were slowly backing away in fear after witnessing the Susano'o for the first time.

The ninja holding Ruby captive nearly sliced her with his kunai but a clone of you appeared from above and kicked him off of the catwalk. Knowing the she was now safe, you used your Susano'o to swipe it's shield in a radius, knocking everyone surrounding you unconscious.

The Susano'o then faded away after that attack, leaving you to face the leader of the group, although he made a quick hand sign.

???: Hm, seems I'm no match for you.

Around you the ninja were holding their heads in pain before their bodies went limp.

???: Just a quick warning, there are more of us under Salem's command.

After that he fell forward after completing another set of hand signs. You immediately knew what had happened as well, he killed himself and the others using some form of Jutsu. You grew a little angry knowing that you were unable to get any information from him. Especially after hearing the fact that his employer was behind your village's destruction.

Ruby: (Y/N)!!!

Ruby surprised you by running to you and embracing you into a tight hug. You hugged her back knowing that she was unharmed.

(Y/N): Thank goodness you're alright.

Ruby then took a look at the bodies around them, she was terrified when she saw the state that they were in.  Her body began to shake since it was her first time seeing a dead body, especially when there were so many in one place.

Ruby: A-are they-?

(Y/N):... Yes... 

Seeing that she was starting to shake, you lifted her off of the ground and carried her out bridal style.

(Y/N): I'm sorry you had to see that, I'll inform the-

A loud crash was heard behind the both of you. You turned your head to find that the bodies of the rogue ninjas have vanished. 

(Y/N): Hang on tight, we need to leave as quickly as possible.

You then jumped out of the area to land on top of a building. You then began to travel back to beacon by quickly hopping from building to building under the night sky.

(Y/N): I know this may be sudden but I need you to forget what just happened back there. The others know where I've been but we need to revise our little story. We have to tell them that they got away, otherwise it'd draw more attention. I'll report to Ozpin first thing in the morning, don't worry he won't speak a word of this to anyone.

Ruby slowly nodded, still shaken up after seeing so many dead bodies at once. Knowing that you're a good distance from the warehouse, you stopped slowed your pace.

Ruby: Hey, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yes, Ruby?

Ruby: Thank you. For saving me.

You smiled when she thanked you after she started to relax from the experience. Knowing that there was quite a jump ahead, you put a lot of your strength and leaped across a large gap that launched the both of you high into the air. She relaxed into your arms during the leap and the both of you leaned in and began to kiss under the moonlight. (Oh you know we runnin that scene! Hopefully you know where it's from...)

The both of you broke the kiss right before you landed to continue the journey back to Beacon.

(Y/N): We might be a few minutes late but why don't we prepare for our little surprise?

Ruby then smiled when she heard those words, you can see the fire in her eyes when she knew what you meant.

Ruby: Aw yeah, you know it!

To be continued!

Sorry of that took a while to update, I was busy with my own personal life. 

Ruby Rose x Male Reader:  A Rose for a NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now