Part 4

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It had been one month since your moment in the Emerald Forest. After that whole event, you've been constantly getting annoyed by fan girls, well at least they are starting to learn that you enjoy your peace and quiet. Nowadays they just watch you on awe from a distance whenever you're nearby. So much for not wanting to draw any attention.

As for your bonds with any form of friendship, they have been slowly growing over the past few weeks. Ever since you started spending more time with Ruby, you started to open more to her as well as her team and JNPR. You were still in your usual attitude but you've cherished these moments with your newfound friends.

During these times you've aided Pyrrha with training Jaune, rejected Yang's constant advances, meditated alongside Ren, helped Weiss with her studies, listened to Nora's random stories, casually sparred with Blake, and lastly, you simply hung out with Ruby. You weren't aware of it, but the red cloaked girl developed feelings for you.

As of now, you were in your room finishing up the last of your homework from Dr. Oobleck's class. It wasn't difficult but you took your time since it was nearing the end of the day.

Just as you finished your school work, a knock was heard from your door.

(Y/N): Who is it?

???: it's me, Ruby!

(Y/N): Come in, the door's open!

The door opened for team RWBY and JNPR to walk inside.

(Y/N): I didn't expect all of you to show up.

Ren: There's something that we'd all like to discuss with you.

(Y/N): What is it?

Weiss: That headband of yours... I've seen it at a museum back at Atlas.

(Y/N): So you want to know where this headband came from.

Weiss: I've seen it a year ago, it's a newly acquired relic from the last known village that trained ninjas. The same village that was destroyed four years ago.

(Y/N): Hm, didn't think you were so curious.

Pyrrha: You never really spoke of where you came from. We just thought that we'd at least understand your culture a bit... But that was until we...

(Y/N): It's nothing to worry about. It was to be expected for my village.

Ruby: What are you saying? Did you want for that to happen?

(Y/N): You've got it wrong, I was part of the group of people that wanted to prevent the fall of our village. We weren't able to strengthen our numbers so we've tried to strengthen ourselves to defend the village from the increasing number of Grimm. 

Blake: But there was no stopping the Grimm.

(Y/N): Correct. It all happened so fast, one minute we were running our daily routine the next, my village was practically in flames. Everyone that I knew sacrificed their lives to defend the village, but we failed. I've spent the rest of my life haunted by the lives that were lost that day, especially the death of my brother. I've made my peace when I revisited the ruined village before I arrived in Beacon. I even abandoned my original surname so I can begin a new start.

At this point everyone were in tears after hearing your story. 

(Y/N): Like I said, it's nothing to worry about. Even after all of that, I keep moving forward, forging a new path. I live to make sure that something like that never happens again, even if it means costing my own life.

After a few minutes everything was back to normal. You decided to be the one to speak up after the whole scenario.

(Y/N): Well, if you've got what you wanted, I believe it's getting late.

Everyone agreed and decided to leave for their own beds, except Ruby. She was the only one who stayed behind.

Ruby: Hey, i - if there's a-anything you need, just know we're all here for you. 

You let out a small laugh as Ruby looked up at you in confusion. You placed a bond on her head and ruffled her hair.

(Y/N): Thank you, Ruby. It means a lot.

Her face practically turned red like a tomato when she heard your words and saw the smile on your face. She immediately scrambled and ran out the door faster than she ever could run.

Ruby: Ahh!! Ishouldgotobedtoobye!!!


It was the start of a Saturday morning and you were welcomed by the sound of knocking at your door. You were already prepared for the day since you've already finished your morning training in the Emerald Forest. You opened the door to find Ozpin standing there with a serious look on his face.

Ozpin: I have an assignment for you.

He then brought his scroll to reveal an article of a man wearing the and headband as you. Although, the man was practically covered in sheer darkness with his eyes revealing the Sharingan.

Ozpin:  Normally you'd be under arrest but I know for a fact that this isn't you. Whoever this person is, he is not human since he was covered in darkness, even in broad daylight.

You looked up at him after reading the article.

(Y/N): What makes you so sure that it wasn't me?

Ozpin: Because, I know you are not that type of person to kill innocent people. Whoever it is, will most likely be attacking once again in Vale. I'd sent huntsman to deal with it but this person is a ninja just like you, he even possesses your bloodline. You're the only one who can counter this type of foe.

(Y/N): Hm, I'll start searching immediately.

Ozpin: Move with caution, I don't have a good feeling about this.

(Y/N): Right.

To be continued!

Ruby Rose x Male Reader:  A Rose for a NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now