Part 2

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Days have passed since your arrival to Beacon Academy. Things haven't been very eventful ever since you took the honor being Beacon's first one man team. Since the announcement was made after the initiation, everybody practically knew who you were, especially a certain red cloaked teen. You weren't allowed to carry your weapons during school hours but you always had a few tricks up your sleeve, both figuratively and literally.

As of now, you sat at a table during lunch, eating your food peacefully.

???: is it alright if I sit here?

You turned your head slightly to find a brown haired girl with rabbit ears.

(Y/N): Nobody's stopping you.

The girl wasn't sure how to react but she eventually responded by sitting down to eat her lunch as well. The both of you sat in a comfortable silence, she occasionally batted her eyes back and fourth to see if you wanted to start a conversation.

You weren't exactly one to start conversations since you spent most of your time alone due to your home village being destroyed.

Just as she was about to build up enough courage to speak to you, she felt a strong pinch on her ears.

???: Ow!

???: See? I told you they were real! What a freak!

You immediately snapped your head when you heard the rabbit Faunus being bullied. You unknowingly activated your Sharingan as you glared at the one picking on the rabbit Faunus.

(Y/N): *in thought* Cardin Winchester...

Rabbit Faunus; Please stop!

(Y/N): Hey!

Cardin and his team stopped to look at you glaring at them. Cardin himself wasn't dazed by the sudden change in your eyes, but his buddies were starting to feel a little nervous.

Cardin: And what do you want Mr. One Man Team?

(Y/N): I'd recommend you leave her alone.

Cardin smirked and walked around the table to approach you.

Cardin: You're nothing but talk. 

He reached out his hand to pull you out of your seat but you vanished into thin air and your empty food tray was flung at his face. He was knocked onto the ground from the impact but he eventually got back on his feet after a short amount time.

Cardin: Alright, punk now you've don-

The team leader was cut off when he found his own team unconscious and tied together. Looking over them, he found you sitting at another table as you casually ate an apple.

(Y/N): Leave, before this gets any worse.

Cardin knew the odds were against him so he quickly obliged and dragged his team out of the cafeteria.

After he left, you decided to take your leave as well but not before flicking the apple core at a nearby trash can, as to which it landed inside.

Everybody else in the cafeteria were stunned at the small display. Even the table of teams RWBY and JNPR were shocked when you quickly took out the rest of team CRDL.

Ruby: That. Was. AWESOME!!

Pyrrha: It happened so fast, even I couldn't track his movements.

Weiss: I must admit, it was an impressive display.

Jaune: yeah.. It was...

Nora: You kidding?! He had the perfect chance to break their legs!

Ren: I don't think (Y/N) is that kind of person to break other people's limbs.

Yang: Cardin and his team had it coming, that's for sure.

Pyrrha: I'd prefer a nonviolent situation but he did keep it to a minimum. Otherwise the staff would have to get involved.

 Ruby: By the way...

Everyone turned to look at Ruby, who was trying to get a good memory of the small display.

Ruby: Anybody notice his eyes?

The group of teams then tried to remember but nobody were able to remember the change in your eyes.

Ruby: Huh, guess it was my imagination.

Timeskip After Classes

You were current in your room, now dressed into your standard clothing, getting a few things ready before you leave for target practice. Luckily, Beacon offers a training room but you didn't want to use the room since you prefer a more natural selection of targets.

Knock! Knock!

Opening the door to your room, you found Ruby standing there with a nervous smile.

(Y/N): Yes?

Ruby: Hi (Y/N)! I was uhh wondering if you'd want to...

Ruby started trailing off when she realized how skittish she was at asking people questions, especially to those that she hasn't spoken to as much.

(Y/N): Like to what?

Ruby: If you'd like to hang out with me and my team! And JNPR!

(Y/N): Not today, I have target practice.

Ruby: Oh well uhh that's fine hehe...

You can tell she was close to having a nervous breakdown. You were amused by her antics but it still won't change the fact that you had your own scheduled target practice to attend to. You closed the door behind you since you were ready to leave.

Ruby looked up in excitement thinking that you had changed your mind.

Ruby: Does that mean you're comin with us?

You let out a small chuckle and gently poked her in the forehead with two fingers, slightly pushing her head back. 

(Y/N): Sorry Ruby, perhaps another time.

She watched as you walked from your room and then you disappeared around the corner.

Ruby: Yeah... Another time...

To be continued!

Ruby Rose x Male Reader:  A Rose for a NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now