Part 9

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It was nearly time for the dance. Quite a few events have happened, first was the whole mishap with the White Fang and Roman Torchwick. You weren't exactly present at the time since you were busy testing out the abilities for your Sharingan. It wasn't exactly an easy trial because it was your first time unleashing your Susano'o. Although If you were present then you would've been able to lend a hand to Team RWBY battling Roman Torchwick piloting some form of mech.

Nevertheless, once the news reached your ears, you've had to have a talk with them about property damage and scolding Blake for her actions. She didn't exactly take the scolding too kindly and refused to talks to you ever since. You were worried for the cat Faunus since she's been losing sleep ever since and it brought you some pain because you were only trying to help her.

At the moment, you were having dinner by yourself in Beacon's Cafeteria. You normally had dinner with the others but your friends are busy with their last minute gathering for the dance. You've informed everyone about purchasing any necessaries for the event but they simply told you not to worry, minus Blake who refused to talk you and participate in the event. Now here you are, the dance only a few days away and you were simply relaxing while enjoying your favorite dish.

???: Oh, (Y/N). You're all alone today.

You looked up from your meal to see a certain rabbit Faunus, Velvet Scarletina, take her seat on the spot in front of you.

(Y/N): Is it really such a surprise?

Velvet: Yes it is, especially you and Ruby.

(Y/N): Well if you'd like to know why I'm alone. It is because everyone else neglected to purchase what they needed ahead of time so they are currently scurrying around Vale.

Velvet giggled from your brief explanation.

(Y/N): What about you? The rest of your team aren't around so I'm assuming that they're doing the same thing?

Velvet: Coco is having the same problem, while Fox and Yatsuhashi are training right now.

(Y/N): As expected, although Coco's was a bit of a surprise.

Velvet: You'd be amazed, especially after we've had an exam recently.

The both of you laughed after her comment, afterwards leaving the both of you in a comfortable silence as the two of you ate dinner. After the dishes were empty, Velver decided to be the first to speak up.

Velvet: There's been something that I've been meaning to ask you.

(Y/ N): And what that might be ?

Velvet: You're an Uchiha, aren't you?

(Y/N): How'd you figure?

Velvet: Your Sharingan, my great grandfather was an Uchiha. I was told stories how he retired from his duties as a ninja to settle down.

(Y/N): I guess that makes us distant relatives.

Velvet: You could say that,  although the bloodline isn't as strong since my mother and I are unable to awaken the Sharingan.

(Y/N): Perhaps it's for the best... There are things you may not like for awakening this form of power.

Velvet: Maybe you're right, especially after hearing the stories.

You smile before you get up to return the tray to leave.

(Y/N): I'll be seeing you around.

Velvet: Okay, bye (Y/N)!

Just as you were about to leave, she managed to snap a picture of you before you exited the cafeteria.

Timeskip A few Hours Before the Dance

You finished dressing yourself in a standard black tuxedo, although you were wearing a regular tie instead of a bow tie.  

Knock! Knock!

Yang: Yo, (Y/N)! You in there!

Since you were still straightening your tie, you had to call out to the blonde.

(Y/N): It's open!

The door opened to reveal Yang and Blake walking into your room.

Yang: Now then, don't you have something to say Blake?

Blake sighed as she walked up to you.

Blake: I'm.. I'm sorry for acting the way I did. You were only trying to help me and I failed to realize that...

You smiled as you placed a hand on the faunus's head.

(Y/N): I'm glad to hear that. It's all in the past now.

She smiled lightly after you removed your hand, You then turned your attention to Yang.

(Y/N): By the way, have you seen Ruby? She was supposed to meet me here by now for a small preparation that the both of us have planned.

Yang: Wait. She never came here? She said that she was coming  here as soon as she finished getting ready.

(Y/N): Strange, let me try calling her scroll.

Just as you were about to bring out your Scroll, your reflexes kicked in as you caught a couple of  shuriken with only two fingers. As soon as both of them stopped their spinning, you looked out your open window to catch a tagged kunai with your other hand.

Yang: Woah! Where did that come from?!

(Y/N): Don't know.

You then realized that the tagged Kunai had message written on if.

'If you want to save your little love interest, then find us at this address'

You crumpled the paper in anger.

Yang: What is it?

(Y/N): Ruby's been kidnapped.

Blake: Then we don't have time to waste.

(Y/N): No, I'll go alone. Whoever did this is probably a skilled ninja. They snuck into Beacon and left without being detected.

You picked up your weapon pouch and holstered it on your left leg.

(Y/N): Don't worry about me, I'll be back before you know it.

And with that, you jumped out the window to rescue Ruby.

Yang: ... I wonder of he realizes that he's still dressed in a tuxedo.

To be continued!

Yeah sorry for the late update... Umm, let's just say Rainbow Six Siege is on a free weekend and it's kinda taking up my free time....

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