Part 14 - True Finale

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So I've had thoughts about continuing this and I'm not gonna lie, I didn't want to put Ruby through that. Especially since she is one of my favorite characters in RWBY. Also I think continuing the stories for team RWBY would be best for me to handle. Outside of team RWBY, maybe Pyrrha or Cinder. Or both...

Six Days After The Fall

It was a cloudy day in Patch, the time was mid day yet the heavy clouds have blocked most of the sunlight. A small amount of people have gathered at a certain spot to watch as a coffin was currently being lowered into the ground. Team JNPR, a couple of teachers, Qrow, Taiyang, and lastly the sisters, Ruby and Yang were present.

Everybody had grim expressions across their face, Ruby had the worst of it as she continuously wept while her father was trying to comfort her. 

Ruby: Why? Why did it have to be (Y/N)?

Taiyang kept has hand on his daughter's shoulder, keeping her from crying any louder.

Oobleck: A tragic indeed. Beacon has lost one of it's most precious students...

Port: Yes, may his name be remembered in all of our hearts.

Meanwhile, Pyrrha was feeling some form of guilt, almost as if your sacrifice had saved her life from perishing to the hands of Cinder.

Jaune: He was such a good friend... 

Ren: Yes, he even helped us during our darkest hours.

Nora: *sniffle* I'm gonna miss him...

While team JNPR began reminiscing to ease their sorrow, Ruby nearly burst out of her chair to run to your grave but her father was able to stop.

Ruby: (Y/N)... I don't want you to...

Qrow: He really meant a lot to you, huh?

Ruby: ... I love him...

Taiyang: I know it must be difficult for you right now but I need you to be strong right now. Do it for him.

Ruby slowly nodded as the funeral continued, everybody quietly paying their respects. Unbeknownst to everyone, a cloaked figure was currently watching from a distance, keeping distance to avoid being spotted.

Three Days Later

Ruby was currently on both knees as she was in front of your grave. She spent most of her time, for the past few days, visiting your resting place as often as she can. The pain that she went through was too much for her to bear, she has even lost sleep from nightmares of your death that were repeating over and over.

Ruby: I miss you so much (Y/N)... 

Tears were beginning to trail from her eyes once again as she spoke, even thinking about your name struck her in the heart. She had lost the one she loved, someone that had taught her the basics of being a ninja, somebody that that she admired but soon grew feelings you.

Ruby: Everybody called you a hero for what you've done...

???: He was a fool.

Ruby turned to the source to find another person wearing a black cloak and the same mask from the people that had kidnapped her. Judging from the sound of the voice, it must have been a woman that was at least ten years older than her.

???: He knew full well of the dangers from using the Perfect Susano'o. Something of that power drained his chakra to zero, even his aura had converted itself into chakra to sustain a powerful technique. It was what led to his downfall.

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