Part 13 - Finale

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Quick A/N: I'm going to come out and say this. I will only continue a few of those stories to Vol. 4 and I'm sad to say, this is will not one of them.

(Y/N): I'm home!

You closed the door behind you as you returned from a two week mission. It was a simply mission to clear out grimm infested areas, luckily you had backup from Team CFVY otherwise things would've take a turn for the worse.

You inhaled a sweet aroma through your nostrils that made you move towards the source. As you walked through your home, you happened to pass a coffee table with a few photographs. One of them was a picture of you and Ruby during one of the dances, another was a picture of the both of you during graduation in which you two have aged. Lastly,  it seemed even a few more years have passed because the final photo was a wedding picture of you and Ruby.

You walked into the living room to find your lovely wife placing a plate of freshly baked cookies on another coffee table. She must've been distracted by the scent of her creation to even notice that you've returned home. You decided to sneak up behind her and swiftly wrap your arms around her making her nearly have a heart attack, figuratively.

Ruby: *gasps* (Y/N)! You almost made me drop the cookies again!

You laughed as you let go to allow her to properly turn towards you.

Ruby: Welcome home.

The two of you then leaned in for a rather long and passionate kiss. After what seemed to have been around five minutes, the two of you pulled away from each other for air.

Ruby: How was your trip?

(Y/N): Same as usual, led a team,  fought some Grimm.

Ruby: Wish I was with you. I came back last week since the mission was a little too easy.

(Y/N): Perhaps next time.

Ruby: Yeah... I was going to put on a movie,  would you like to join me?

(Y/N): I'd love to, just give me a second to put my bag away.

After some time, the two of you were peacefully sitting on the couch watching the last few minutes of your film. The batch of cookies were practically finished leaving only a few crumbs. You were currently sitting back with an arm wrapped around your wife as she was leaned towards you.

Nothing could ever beat moments like these.

Ruby: Hey, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yes, Ruby?

Ruby: What are you thinking about right now?

(Y/N): Just the fact that I get to finally spend some quality time with my beautiful wife.

She smiled from your response until she brought up another question.

Ruby: Do you remember the time you saved me before our first dance?

(Y/N): Yeah, during that time I was worried losing you... Luckily forth both of that I was getting used to my new abilities. Why do you ask?

Ruby: because it's time for you to go back.

(Y/N): What are you talking about? 

Ruby: I'm sorry but all of this isn't real.

You froze in fear after hearing her words.

Ruby: You need to go back, people need you (Y/N). It's time for you to wake up.

(Y/N): No, that's not true! I remember everything we did, the graduation, our wedding,  I even remember our time in Beacon.

Ruby Rose x Male Reader:  A Rose for a NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now