Part 12

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Quick Note: I apologize but this one is a bit shorter than usual. The next part will be the last one for this story.

It is now the time of the Vytal Festival Tournaments, you had just arrived in the Amity Colesseum. Sadly, you were held up from a mission so you didn't arrive in time to see Team RWBY's match although you were able to catch the second half of it from your scroll.

You heard a little bit of a commotion from a nearby stand, you decided to investigate it and found the team you were looking for. It seems that they were in a bit of a money problem, luckily you were well compensated from the last mission.

(Y/N): You can give them back their bowls, I'll pay for their meal. While you're at it, I'll have a bowl of noodles myself.

The team of four immediately turned their heads to find you sitting right next to them.

Ruby: (Y/N)!!! You're back!!

Since you were sitting right next to her, she immediately tackled you onto the ground.

(Y/N): Hello to you too Ruby.

The two of you shared a short and sweet kiss with each other before the both of you returned to your seats. The owner of the stand gave everyone back their bowls, much to Blake's delight, and pointed at the amount of lien that was owed. Before you were able to reach for your wallet, Weiss interjected with a slight look of desperation.

Weiss: Wait! I can get it to work this time!

(Y/N): It's fine, it's a congratulations for your first victory.

Weiss: A-are you sure? 

(Y/N): Don't worry about it.

You then handed the owner the amount of lien and you instantly recieved your own bowl of noodles. You laughed when you witnessed Blake nearly cry with tears of joy as you paid for their meals and she immediately started on her bowl of fish.

Just as you were about to start, team JNPR arrived.

Jaune: Hey, (Y/N)! Didn't think you'd be back in time.

(Y/N): I was scheduled to return earlier today but we've had some minor complications. Either way, the mission was successful and I made it back in one piece.

Ren: That's good to hear, what were the minor details anyways?

(Y/N): The extraction zone was heavily infested so I had to meet the bullhead in another area.

Yang: Geez, that bad? 

(Y/N): It was too much for me to handle.

Everyone was shocked by your response, then again everyone has their own limits. Your scroll rang, causing you to check and look at the message.

(Y/N): Sorry to end this so soon but I'm needed in Ozpin's office.

You planted a kiss on Ruby's cheek before leaving, all of them had a certain thought running through their minds.

Ruby: You forgot your- oh wait!

She looked to see that your bowl was practically empty,

Weiss: We didn't even see him eat.

Nora: Woah... Ninja noo-

Ren: Not again, Nora...


You stepped out of the elevator from Ozpin's office and you walked down towards your room. It was a very long report since your mission nearly took a week to complete. Nonetheless,  it was nearing the evening and you were ready to call it a day. You knew were nearing your room until you heard your name being called.

Ruby: (Y/N)!!!

You smiled as you turned around to see Ruby running down the hall and towards you. Knowing that she was going to tackle you onto the ground, you simply stood your ground and prepared for the embrace. Then you felt something pierce your chest, you looked down to find the edge of a blade right through you.

Ruby stopped in front of you with a devious grin before she disappeared in a puff of white smoke and a former anbu black ops member took her place.

???: We've been studying you for quite a while, (Y/N). It's been rather difficult since you've reduced our numbers to only three but we finally managed to pull it off.

The blade from your chest was removed letting you fall to the ground.

???: You always seem to let your gaurd down whenever you are with your loved one.

They stopped talking when it looked like you were nearing death. Another voice spoke up, followed by footsteps.

???: Miss Cinder, how nice of you to witness our accomplishment.

Cinder: Job well done, Salem was right about you after all.

???: Unlike our incompetent comrades, we know better than a simple kidnapping. Now, what will you have us do with his body?

Cinder: Dispose of it far away from here, we wouldn't want anyone stumbling upon him.

???: As you wish.

One of them picked up your lifeless body over his shoulder and disappeared in an instant leaving Cinder and two other former anbu black ops members.

Cinder: The rest of you clean this up before anyone else shows up. The two silent ones nodded before Cinder left with a grin spread across her face.

Cinder: Nothing will stand in my way now!

To be continued...

Ruby Rose x Male Reader:  A Rose for a NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now