Part 3

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Emerald Forest

It had been a few days since your small scene with Cardin and things have gotten somewhat eventful. First it was the constant torture Jaune recieved from the bully but they were completely turned against him from your help in the shadows.

As of now you watched the entire scene of Jaune stopping an Ursa's attack. You immediately knew something was different about his shield the moment you saw him raise it. You looked to the side to see Pyrrha slowly bringing her hand down and you moved quickly around in time for her quick explanation of her semblance.

(Y/N): Magnetism, huh?

Pyrrha and Ruby were startled by your sudden presence.

Pyrrha: I didn't even see you there! You didn't hear what I just said did you?

(Y/N): I heard every word of it. I've even seen what you've just done.

Pyrrha looked nervous at what you had said but you gave her a small smile.

(Y/N): You have nothing to worry about. Ruby and I will not speak a word of this to anyone.

The redhead gave a sigh of relief from your words, even Ruby herself nodded in agreement.

(Y/N): But what will he do against the other ones?

Both girls were terrified when they saw more Ursa appear from the tree line. They readied their weapons but you moved in front of them drawing your own sword.

(Y/N): I'll handle this one.

You then disappeared once again and reappeared only for a split second to throw a few slashes of flames at the group of Ursa. Luckily, everybody moved out of the way before you sprung into action.

The flames hit one Ursa each but you've done the same again except you reappeared in different angles.

Ruby: Woah! He's not even using dust to make fire like that!

You stopped your attacks when you've noticed that group of five Ursa were finally packed together.

During your halt, everyone was shocked to see you split up into threw different copies that surrounded the Grimm. Even Blake was surprised to see that you can also make clones of yourself.

Pyrrha: I don't understand, does he have multiple semblances?

Ruby: I don't know but it so awesome!

You and your clones reached into your weapon pouches to bring fourth a few kunai, each marked with some form of tags. The three of you disappeared once again and reappeared over the grouped up Ursa. You threw the tagged kunai as you jumped back in time to avoid a large explosion caused by the tags

The explosion soon vanished along with the group of Ursa nowhere to be seen. Your clones even disappeared after the quick battle. You then reappeared by Ruby and Pyrrha once again.

(Y/N): I think it's time we back, wouldn't you agree Ms. Goodwitch?

Goodwitch was brought out of her shocked state and regained her composure.

Goodwitch: You're absolutely right! Students, let's move out!

You were about to leave with the others until Ruby stood in front of you, with her arms crossed and a cute pout that you couldn't resist but laugh in your head.

Ruby: Can you pleeeeaaaase let me see your weapons?

You smiled lightly at her question but you decided to comply.

(Y/N): I don't see why not.

You then held up a empty hand to distract the young teen. After a quick flick from your hand, a trio of shuriken were stuck between your fingers.

Ruby: I've never seen one up close. 

She was practically drooling as she eyed the shuriken in your hand. You then flicked your hand again to replace the shuriken with a simple kunai in the palm of your hand.

Ruby: Woah! How do you keep them around when they're this sharp?

(Y/N): I have my ways.

You place the kunai back inside the pouch.

(Y/N): Hopefully that should suffice for now.

Ruby nodded with a smile on her face. The two of you then followed the group of students back to Beacon. During your walk Ruby decided to ask a certain question.

Ruby: Hey (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yes, Ruby?

She tried her best to hide her blushing face but you can see the hint of red on her cheeks.

Ruby: umm.. Uh do you think you can maybe show me how to throw those weapons?

You let a small chuckle escape your throat as you listened to the cloaked girl nervously ask her question.

(Y/N): Very well, how about today after classes?

She looked up at you in excitement from your response.

Ruby: Really?! I mean umm, really?

(Y/N): No need to hide your excitement and yes, I mean it.

She jumped in joy from your words since she wasn't able to resist anyways.

Ruby: Awesome!!! You're the best!!

You couldn't help but chuckle at the teen's excitement as she was practically running circles around you during the walk back to Beacon. In your eyes, it's simply a small tutorial since she wanted to learn about using ninja tools, but to Ruby, it meant so much more than wanting to learn about shuriken throwing. It meant that she was able to spend time with someone she both admired and developed feelings for.

To be continued!

Ruby Rose x Male Reader:  A Rose for a NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now