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"It's right here," he positions his arms straight out, fingering thin, red markings that were slowly fading away in his skin. I see four to five of them, stretching from his wrist to his forearm. With an exasperated expression, he mutters a few words under his breath, and sighs. 

"Who did that?" I ask concerned.

"Me. Who else?" he replies. As he does so, he reaches out to his pocket for another cigarette, lights it up, and exhales a gray, puff of smoke that heads straight and passes through my nose. I hold my breath and try to act casual, troubled at the fact that he has just started smoking a few months ago ever since his depression has arrived, and it has been affecting his health more drastically. 

"Why?" I ask again.

"I just had anxiety attack because she's been a B to me. Thankfully, I'm in Rehab now, and they've been helping more better. I'm getting medication and everything, which I need more.." he puffs another smoke in the air.

"Well, if that works for you, but there are so many other ways you can get better.. You know, like meditation, holding on to a passion, or writing maybe," I respond.

"That shit doesn't work for me. I prefer screamo as a passion, and if I meditate it just get worse. Trust me. That never works for me," he says. 

"But..But.." I try to reach out for some kind of sign of hope, but don't know how to. Instead, I gently pat his shoulder and keep my hand there for a while. My heart drops at the fact that he always came up to me for some kind of reassurance his whole life, but I've always failed to give him the best advice. However, seeing him have support around him and something to let go of his rage made me feel better.. Letting it out on his hand on the other hand, did not. 

Suddenly, I realized something.

"Let me see your arms," I say.


"Just hand it to me."

"Well, sheesh. Okay."

He shows me his arms, where the markings are again. Call him a pirate of the Caribbean! 

"Wow, looks like you have been in quite an adventure, kind sir! I see that you had to go through a living nightmare, where the cannon fire boomed past midnight, and the ocean was filled with humongous monsters! How did you surpass all this? I hear the harsh whispers, and the sharp clash of numerous metals clashing against one another.. The rusty smell of blood is already burning my nose, bubbling my veins, but it's done! Gunpowder in the air, sword fighting with mighty captain hooks, just wow. I find the moon light glowing upon you and your rivalry, sir. AHem. Lots of battles, but you overcame it like a champion would."

"What was that about?" He chuckled. 

"You're a hero, now no need to go into any further battles. It's time to screamo it out instead."

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