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This whole town agreed that today was a great day. By that, I mean, you know, twenty- four hours straight full of happiness. You would have to agree with me if you were there with me, but I wouldn't want anyone to burst my own bubble. I was just in the moment. Look, just try playing the radio as you walk in the streets, and that's the vibe I'm talkin' about.  I just smelled it in the fresh air when I headed straight out of my car. 

Man, that air filled my lungs with the breath of Earth's oxygen cleared out from all the illogical smoke we blew back. Anyways, the sunshine was soaking my skin, as the keys inside my pocket jingled along with my footsteps. I was headed to the magical mailbox that held mysteries, and today, the aroma of sweet flowers gave me a sixth sense that there was something in there. Hm.

As I opened the mailbox, there was a handful of envelopes coming in a variety of colors. I put each envelope behind one another from bills, to insurance, from bills, to insurance, and then finally there was one that leaped my heart right out of my chest. Call it a day where pebbles jump onto your shoulders and become a glitter of pixie dust right there. 

On the front of the envelope was my name in bold print, with the white house right on top. Maybe, just maybe I was dreaming. I sneaked in a whole gulp of air, smiling to myself. My soft hands calmly held on to the edges of the envelope, and I looked up to the sky, laughing in joy. I felt as bold as the letters that I was reading right in front of me. 

"What? How?" I shook my head and pinched my arms. It's real. This is happening. It's real. 

Within that moment, I didn't open the envelope. No, I let the keys twist around the locks of the door, entered inside, and threw them on the couch.

"Father! Look at this! Guess what?" He comes out of the kitchen to find me overjoyed. I hand him the envelope and a slow smile comes across his lips. 

"Open it, son," he says. "Come on."

I unfold the edges of the envelope carefully with the tips of my fingers like there's gold inside. I skim through it  come to find the name of our former president scribbled right at the bottom. What, he start it off with my name. I find my heart beating fast right out of my chest.  

"What is it?" A squeaky voice asks near me. It's my sister, who was peeking right behind me like a little squirrel. 

"A letter from the president. He just saw the one I wrote for us all!" 

"Oh my gosh! WHAT." She scurried around the house, speeding faster than lightening. She entered each room enough to squeal to the top of her lungs. At that moment, my sister had tears in the edges of her eyes, before I could even think about it.

"This represents us all the people. I can't wait to tell my friends, they will be so happy. WOW!" She lets her voice jump on the ceilings of our walls. 

I thought about my parents who immigrated to this country the time my sister was born, which was nineteen years ago. The memories of each houses we lived in came to me like shuffling pictures, as well as my father coming home in and out from different jobs for over the past twenty years. I thought about the time when we slept on the carpet together, but sang all night long with Looney Tunes mics and white powder covered on our faces from eating munchkins. I thought about  I thought about me and my sister's graduation, and heading straight to college with no hesitation because of our former president who made it so much easier for us. 

I wonder how he typed this letter, and how the smile ran across his face. I wonder if he got sentimental when he saw the picture of my family, not too different from his. I wonder if he thought about the struggles he endured. All I ever wanted to just give him was a thank you. Just a simple and sincere appreciation for making life for me and my family so beautiful. All the hardships we overcame, because of his successful leadership for our country. Education is free here. 

Wow. Education is free here! Opportunities are open, all people are equal, and anything is possible here. What a blessing to live here. He really deserves a thank you, he really does. 

My country tis the thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I see.

The song played in my head over and over again. 

Now that he will be gone, I realized how important of an impact he left behind. Through his compassion, kindness, honesty, willpower, and strength, he changed our country in such a positive way. 

I felt light igniting my bones, bubbling the blood in my veins, and the beating in my heart to quicken. I realized how giving is such an important thing, but a small thank you, how much power it could have for someone, especially one who rarely stopped to think about himself. The letter I gave him was my life and story with the people around me, but his leadership was a part of it as it motivated me to keep moving forward.

I'll never forget him. The one who gave us another chance and improvised a new and better way everyday for the good of the people through expanding health care services, granting early childhood education programs for the poor, providing good income tax credit scores, and encouraging both parties to draft ethical legislation for the nation. He gratified the struggling ones to see life in a whole new light.Wow. 

The constitution spoke loudly inside my mind.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic , provide for the common , promote the general , and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our , do and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. 

Will we? I really hope we do. Man, I can't wait to tell mom! 

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