Chapter 5: Jonnie and Mila Kunis

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Later in the day after we decided meeting with Jonnie to find out more about his contacts and so on. We went down to his restaurant. Where it stood closed on a red plate.

"But we could well be here now?" I said and knocked on the door again.

Jonnie opened the door.

"Hey girls, you came"

Jonnie carefully closed the door and showed us to one room behind the kitchen.

he had a whole wall with pictures of different famous people numbers and so on. I take a picture of Mila kunis form the wall and where her e-mail address was written down.

"Sure she looks good, I have been thinking of e mail her but never dared" he said.

"But what do you get these addresses from? Is not this illegal? Save addresses and numbers from celebrities and so on." I asked a little skeptically.

"from some mixed people no, I hope not".

You can imagine a whole wall with pictures of celebrities, their personal facebook numbers and so on. Felt a bit weird that Jonnie a pizza guy, who is the ‘celebrity spotters deluxe’

He opened a white box with a key and said, "Look here, he took the folder" and we sat in one of the restaurant tables. He had collected lot of information about them.

"Huh??! Holy shit oh my ..." Aicha said.

"You've met Anne"

"Uh yes she looked pretty out and I had to take a picture with her ​​when I was in London once on a visit"

I and Aicha could hardly not believe it was true, we fangirl in certainly many minutes. "SHE IS HARRY MOM" Achia explain. 

 The three of us sat and discussed the whole family Styles were very beautiful.

We continued browse through pictures and information, "here I have some number we can check" it was a whole list of a lot number of people working on one direction, the majority of the names I known. life guards, stylists.

We searched and searched, I called a bunch of numbers but nothing happened and we took a break with a pizza. Question was if Jonnie could help us.

We sat there helpless when Jonnie came up with the idea “why we will not call their management I'll have the number here somewhere”.  We did but no answer. "I'm sorry girls" now we had looked up 15 nummer in this paper that he had, that gave us. Just when we'd go and thank you for your help it rang in my mobile.

"Hello we are calling from modest you had tried contact us"

Could not believe it was the guys managements who called.

I did not know how I would start, of course everyone wanted to hear what has happened so put on high and started talking.

"Okay so you might not believe me but it was me Karin and my friend who write letter to the boys."

"Okay ... so it's true then?" he replied, his voice sounded like I'd be lying.

"Okay so you are from the netherlands?"

"No, I met my friend Aicha because of one direction which I am very grateful for, she lives here so I am here and meet her on summer vacation, I live Sweden."

"Okay so here's what we can not quite certain that it is you, and for very many lying about it to us" unfortunately.

"but I can send a copy of your letter?." I said

Aicha use my picture on the letter I previously had posted on twitter.

We sent him a message. "Sure I'll send it now."

We talked a long time about the letter and everything, in the end he said you can get to meet the guys. But unfortunately not ao long.  We need to return to London tonight. I could not believe that we would see ONE DIRECTION. Began almost fangirl again but tried to fade me when I talked to the guy in the cell phone.

We talked about how we'd meet them and I asked nicely if we could meet them there? On Jonnies restaurant and explained the history, not all of the numbers he had and stuff. But he helped us and wanted the guys would eat there.

I explain also that the must be hungry after a full busy day. So after a lot of nagging the guys and their bodyguards was coming here now. I and Aicha started immediately after we turn of the call we talk about the meeting what we were saying, how we would act and said the words "oh my god" "holy shit" "We're meeting one direction" at least 20 times.  Jonnies response was mostly I leave the girls alone and start doing celebrity pizza.

After a lot of time changes as the guys came about an hour after the time we decided. Jonnie looked at us and said "you know they're celebrities so do not expect that they come at the right time always, when I meet Mila Kunis, I would probably want her to be on time so that my pizza is not burning up”

Aicha said, "you've got her address so." And we both laughed.

A/n note In the next chapter the girls meet 1D and hope everything goes well then. I will maybe post  The next chapter tomorrow will night. -Karin :)

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