Chapter 22: River Hill road 19

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A/n note : Hi! This is the final chapter on the whole story actually feels a little sad. Hope you liked the story as much as I will take a break from writing to plan next stoy -Karin :)

“FUCK YES I DID IT! FUCK YES!” Aicha said with a shaky voice.

I did it too, I screamed when Aicha finally calmed down. Since we both screamed for a while before we calmed us down again. We said goodbye and I went out to the family who sat and drank tea in the garden.

Had earlier in the week bought home lot of clothes for both myself and the family.

I picked up everything I bought for the family and handed them out, became almost like Christmas, even if they knew what would be in their bags. Dad got a pair of oxford shoes some English shirts, shoe blocks and architecture books. Mother received a dress a pair of shoes, lot of tea and a new tea pot.

My siblings wanted a little more expensive bag. Now my wallet empty though I knew I would get back the money. Sat and talked with family for a while before I changed clothes to meet some friends for a walk in the park. I put on a cute waffled dress with tights and a pair of cute flats oxford shoes.

When I went to the park with the dog, I was nervous really do not know why maybe because I was meeting my best friends who I have not seen in ages. Became more and more sweaty. There stood them and I was quite shaky and ran up and hugged them. Imagine almost a whole summer without your best friends then they stand there. This day could not get much better, I was here with my friends and the weather was warm sun shone.

"coffee anyone?" We went and bought ice cream in the cafeteria, I bought a cup cappuccini and we sat down on a bench. Everyone was so excited to hear how everything was in London, what would happen then,  if I would stay here after the summer.

I explained that I will move to London and start a school with Aicha.

We talked a long time and I was so eager to know what happened while I was away. Sanne had met a handsome guy ricky D through summer work at the retirement home. Emma got a summer work at a fashion magazine, Elin had bought that cute puppy she always wanted. So hoping for a playdate with the dogs soon. And a lot of other things had happened with my friends.

It's getting colder outside and the people in the park began to go home and we too after 3 hours in the park. I hugged goodbye and went home. When I came home waited the food ready. I stayed at home in the evening and spent time with the family. I would not be at home as long so you got to take the time that was available and to piece together when to meet friends and family.

The time is getting much and I rang up harry on facetime before I turned off the light and going to sleep. "Hey how was your day?"

"Hey, well you then?"

"Well met my friends today who I have not seen in a long time, it felt good to talk for a few hours, oh I forgot to say that I entered the school both Aicha and me."

"oh my god Karin congratulations so fun"

"thank you it will be so fun to start there."

"okay, but everything will be all right you'll see."

"Gotta turn the light off now Harry is super tired sorry it was so short talk goodnight love you"

"Good night love sweet dreams. Loves you too" and we both kissed the camera at the same time and I pressed the end call and the screen went black.

3 days later:

I began to pack everything and today. I would go back and seeing everyone again but also leave all the friends at home the family dog, who can not forget. It felt strange to sit on the floor in my room and pack again. Was just like the first time when I pakade before the trip to the Dutch. Then I did not know this would happen. This time I also need to pack more, for that I will stay in London for about a year but was hoping for a longer time.

It was a lot to pack as it took some time both a lot of clothes were in a suitcase also shoes, bags household things. And a lot more. "We must go now" screams Daddy from the hall downstairs. I took my 2 large suitcases down the stairs where the family was waiting. I hugged everyone and began to cry. I did not want to leave this safety I had at home but knew I had to get out on new adventures and roads. We went to the airport that would take me to the capital and then change flight to London. When I arrived at the airport waiting hall stood all my friends there to wave goodbye, the tears started streaming again. I had been home for a few days and times moved so quickly. I hugged everyone goodbye, they promised to come and visit me, as fast as they could. I waved goodbye and walked towards the gate.

At last I was Stockholm. Now it was time to hop on the next flight . And closer to Harry Aicha and all the other guys I would meet and I would meet in my own apartment tonight. After about two hours' flight.

After about two hours flight I arrived in London. I met Aicha at the airport, since we had so much luggage , we decided to take an expensive taxi to the real estate agent who had the key for the apartment.

We then took a taxi to our new long-awaited apartment . We jumped out of the cab and looked up towards the red door here , we'll stay I thought. We opened the door and went into the stairwell and up the stairs. Aicha and Karin river hill road19 floor 2 flats No. 5 stood at the door.

We both looked at each other and Aicha turned the key and opened the door . Aicha ran around the room and danced and I was standing there in the hallway and looked around and dropped my bags on the floor. we had a lot to fix deployed before the guys would come to celebrate.

Just to start packing up and retrieve the stuff we bought and had placed in the basement storage room.

After 3 hours up pakning we were almost done and the guys would come. While Aicha continued with the last. I ran down and bought some  food and stuff in the local grocery store.

After a bit of fixing was all almost finished. Doorbell rang guys and girlfriends were here. We welcomed everyone and Niall immediately asked if we had any food.  Aicha looked at him andhe said  “just kidding”.

Me and Harry went into the kitchen and started to cook some food and we saw how Aicha went hand in hand , and she showed Niall everything new and they  stopped for a minute to kiss .

On the sofa sat the other guys with girlfriends and talked. Think that here I stand cook together with Harry in the new apartment loves it already.

Niall and Aicha seems also feel so good. Harry went up to behind me and hugged me. I turned around and he kissed me and said, "Congratulations to all of this, you know that I will always stand behind you even though I'm on the other side of the earth." I kissed him back. "I know thanks love you"

This was just the beginning of the trip and I knew it would come both setbacks luck but I would get through it all and I was not alone on the journey.

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