Chapter 20: Going home

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A/n note: Hi! short chapter I know but have no time to write so anyway this is small update and i hope you like it.

I packed the last closed my bag. And ran out to the others in the bus. We then went off to the heathrow airport . It felt so strange that I should leave this place, I knew I would come back but still.

We knew it would be a bit of chaos at the airport because the fans knew that the guys would go home and some fans waiting since early this morning that the guys would go.

So we quickly took our bags went into a special entrance, then to a room where staff at the airport We went out to the smaller waiting room aside where no fans stood. Which was nice. Specielt for the guys, we said goodbye to the guys and I almost started crying. I'd hang out with these wonderful guys for weeks. "Bye Harry will miss you" "the same sweetheart" And we hugged and he gave me a kiss before he walked away. I hugged Aicha and walked towards the gate that would take me home to Sweden.

I rolled the bag and went out to the airplane I step on the plane smiled, said hello and show up the ticket for the flight attendant who quickly looked at the ticket and I sat down on a chair and I thinking flight attendant  could well be a little nicer, though went with rayan air so what should I expect.

After a lot of information and security policies started the plane and I took out my phone and put on music. And began to write in my book.

Hello! diary. A while since I last wrote and thought the opportunity now as I sit on the flight home to Sweden. Have had a wonderful time here, but feel it's time to go home just a few days before I go back.

I and Harry are feeling good together, but it's still a little tense between Aicha and Niall they are together but every time Niall going out becomes Aicha bit nervous and hoping that he will not do anything wrong, but it's getting better. They at lest look happy together. So i still get hate but I try not to care and it goes well, Harry has been fixed so any hate commented tweet to me is thrown away, which I'm very grateful for. My family supports me through everything and so I feels better.

Gonna be so nice to come home and see my family, my dog that I've missed so much. And of course my friends. When I went to Aicha, I had not expected that all this would happen that I would get to experience everything, especially not that I would be with Harry, who I only dreamed about from my room. Tomorrow, both I and Aicha get the news if we will able to start at our school. Hope we both will and that we get the apartment so we can continue having a wonderful time in London.

-Karin :)

I wrote that last sentence, turned off the phone because we would go down for landing, felt like I just stepped on the plane. And now we would land. I still had five hours left before I would be home. And my whole body tingle of nervous nerves. I screamed inside me please "I want to be home now".

I went to the Central bought food and then hopped the bus to my town. And after 5 hours I would be at home in my room and just forget about everything for a while, and then returned to London for new adventures.

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