Chapter 13: The cute Irish boy

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A/n Note: Hey! the new chapter is finally here. Sorry if it took a long. Hope you like it and  warning it's some kissing in the chapter. And it's also Aicha's point of view. - Karin :)

As we sat in the taxi from the bus station called their management. Tomorrow would the boys be interviewed. When Harry turned off, I asked

"Are not you off work?"

"No, our job includes very few days off." He said and sighed.

"What then something wrong?" "No I can not stand with an interview tomorrow want to have time with you and I know what questions they will ask. I'll call these guys and tell them to come over so we can talk about it and plus we have Nados".

Harry called and message the other guys. I almost fell asleep in the back of taxi car. A full day run at London took a lot of power. When we were home we meet Niall and Aicha again and the other boys was already here waited. Harry held up nados bag and Niall was quick to grab one of the bags.

“NAAAANDOOOOS” Niall light up like a big sun when he saw the bag.

Aischa had not yet taken why Niall loved Nados so much, but once she would taste so she changed her mind and said that nandos was lovely.

 "How has your day been?" Said Louis.

"Me and Harry walked around in London, I took lots of pictures.

"Yes, so have no more happened then? Haha"

"What?" I said. 

"Maybe some ki ...?"

"No," replied Harry.

"OK, take it easy" just so curious. Said Louis. Raised his hands to his head.

"But I think something funny happened with Niall and Asicha earlier or what?" Said Harry, smiling.

I thought why did he have to say it.  They will know that we saw when they kissed.  Luckily Aicha wasn't here she went off to the toilet.

Niall looked most at the floor and blushed. All the guys probably understood what had happened. Niall realized that we accidentally watch. I jumped down from the high bar chair to go and talk to Asicha.

 "Hey one thing I must say," said Asicha and took my hand and pulled me towards our room and shut the door and we sat down.

She started laughing and then blushing.

"Uh .... uh .. I, I and Niall kissed earlier."

I tried to sound as if I knew nothing about it and said "omg Aicha"

"tell me how did it happen?"


Aicha’s point of view:

 Harry and Karin had gone out to take a walk and I and Niall decided to stay home to do something together .

" what should we do Ni"

" play video games ?" He said , holding up video game's controls and looked at me.

"Shall we play this?"

"Sure but you will not have any chance"

"Oh you don't think I can beat you?" I said with a sassy tone and almost started laughing.

We sat on the couch started playing .

After playing a few rounds and I won a couple of times against Niall in the car game.  He started tickling me and took my console to ruin my game.

I was so close to winning. He took his arms around me and said " You'll never win," he said and laughed .

I heard some voices from the front door but ignored them.

"No stop Niall."

I said Laughed and smiled at the same time. I tried to take me out from his arms but could not he kept a tight grip. He turn me around and kissed me .

The kiss was perfect . I was shaking all over did not know how I would do this.

I was completely in shock . I pulled back and looked at him and smiled. I Kissed him lightly on the lips he kissed me back. " I like what I see." I could not help it I smile and blush.

I hated that I so easily could blush. "Shall we play on?”

I replied and pulled from Niall . It was quite a weird situation for me.

I did not really know how I would act. Niall seemed in anyway take it quite calm. Said "okay, but one thing first," and he whispered something in my ear that I did not really understand. Then kissed me on the cheek.


back to my point of wiew

 "Omg Aicha you kissed Niall" I shouted out.

I could hardly believe it was true that one of my best friends kissed Niall Horan the cute Irish boy.

I hugged her and said "good job" and laughed. We stood up and walked out of our room back to the guys in the kitchen.

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