Opening Act | Conflict of Wills

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 Day One | Opening Act | Conflict of Wills



Amber groaned as she pulled her blanket tightly over her head. Being a morning person was not a quality she was fortunate enough to have.

Amber rolled  over, stretching out her arms as she suddenly became aware of how sore they felt. The satisfying pop was immediately ignored as her hand brushed against an object on her nightstand, an object she was sure wasn't meant to be there.

Amber slowly opened one eye, followed by the other as her eyes searched her surroundings. However, her initial grogginess vanished, replaced by a sudden rush of confusion that seemingly forced Amber up into a sitting position.

The room around here was nothing like her own. The room lacked the charm of a personal bedroom. It's color scheme was mostly brown and white, the only pieces of furniture being a dresser, a table, the nightstand and the bed that Amber currently sat on. It's blankets were more of a beige then a brown, but that didn't really matter.

Amber looked around, slipping out of the comforts of the bed, looking around warily. Her eyes landed on two large metal plates which were bolted to the wall with cartoon-ish, large, mismatched bolts above the bed.

"The hell..?"

Amber walked over to a nearby door, opening it as soon as she reached it. Inside was a shower, a toilet and sink to the side. The sterile white tiles made the room seem to glow and Amber shut the door, looking around the room a second time.

This time, she noticed the camera mounted in the corner and the monitor that was mounted above another door that she had yet to look behind.

"What... Where the hell am I!?" Amber whimpered, looking around in hopes of finding something. There on the table ,which sat in the middle of the room, was a small piece of neatly folded paper.

Amber snatched up the paper and unfolded it, staring at the printed writing.

Welcome, Amber.

You are one of 16 lucky people who have been selected to come here for a special event. The event is scheduled to take place in the Mess Hall and we request that you come at your earliest convenience.

Amber stared at the letter, racking her memory for any possible mention of the event that the letter mentioned.

She could recall that she had been heading somewhere, but that was it.

Better head off to the Mess Hall. Maybe then I'll remember.

Amber turned to the other door which she hadn't looked behind yet, and by process of elimination, she was sure that it was the exit.

With a quick turn of the knob and a push, she proved herself right.

The door opened up into a hallway, it's walls were the same brown as the bedroom walls, but the floor was decorated with orange and white patterned rugs and white crown molding.

The hallway was lined with doors, four doors on each side, each having a black and white portrait hanging on it. Amber turned around, looking at the portrait that was on the door of the room she just left, only to see a monochrome version of herself staring right back.

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