Chapter 01 | Explosives

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Day Four | Chapter 01: To Hope or to Despair | Punishment

"UPUPU! Looks like you got it right on the money! Bodil is the 'villain'!"


"I-It was you?! You killed Lara?!"

"W-What the hell?!"

"Bodil.. Why? We were all going to get out of here."

"N-No we weren't.." Bodil choked out, pulling on his tie. "W-We were just lying to o-ourselves..."


"We have n-no way to prove that the videos are fake.... W-We don't.." Bodil took a deep, shaky breath which dispersed the choking sobs, but only for a moment. "We don't know a-anything.. We're all g-gonna die here.."

"Upupu! Looks like Bodil has fallen into despair! And so soon, too.."

"..Why? Why? Why Bodil?! Bodil why did you kill her?!"

"Because I want to get out!" Bodil screamed back, tears spilling down his face. "I-I wanted to.. Prove that the videos were fake.. I wanted to see my friends again... I DIDN'T WANT TO DIE FIRST!"

"Well, you accomplished that!" MonoMachine chirped and dread filled Amber's body.

Oh no..

"But! You're definitely going to be the next!"


"W-What?" Bodil asked, turning to face MonoMachine with a look of terror.

"You killed someone, remember? You're the 'villain' and you've been discovered! So guess what that means!"

"No.. P-Please... I.."

"No! You-You can't-!"

"Yes indeed I can! I have to uphold the rules, you know!" MonoMachine pulled out a mallet, a big red button appearing before him. "Now! Let's give it everything we got, it's punishment time!" Ignoring the pleas of those in the circle, MonoMachine slammed the mallet onto the bottom, triggering an 8-bit animation on the voting screens that had just delivered the verdict a few minutes earlier.

It was an 8-bit version of Bodil who was standing in front of an 8-bit replica of his stand. Small font appeared at the bottom of the screen.


An 8-bit sprite of MonoMachine appeared on the screen and walked towards the Bodil sprite before dragging it off screen by its 8-bit tie.

Bodil backed away from the screens in panic. A portion of the wall behind him opened up into a hallway and a long chain sprung out, wrapping around Bodil's neck and pulling him back into it, despite his desperate screaming.

Amber stared in shock, everyone else seeming to mirror that expression as Bodil's screams faded.

Was... That it?

The panel that had opened in the wall pulled back into place, leaving a shocked group of attendees to stare at it.

"Is.. Is that it?"

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