Chapter 01 | Artistic Prowess

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Day Four| Chapter 01 : To Hope or to Despair | To Survive Daily Life

"Good Morning, everyone! It is now 7 AM and Night-Time is officially over! Let's give it our best to have fun today, alright!?"

Amber groaned, pulling the blankets away as she slowly slipped out of bed and prepared herself for the day.

Amber made her way to the Mess Hall, already wondering about what she would do that day.

Not that she had very many options.

When she arrived, around half of the others were there, including Seto, who was looking around the Mess Hall.

On the stage, by the pillars, underneath the chairs, on the tables. He looked confused, maybe even a little distressed.

"You okay, Seto?" Amber asked as she approached and Seto got up from where he was looking under a table.

"Yes. I just.. Can't find the incinerator key."

"Did you set it down somewhere." Seto shook his head.

"Not as far as I can recall. I had it at dinner last night, because I felt it in my pocket while I was pouring tea.." Seto pressed his fingers against his temples. "I can't remember dropping it, or setting it down."

"Well, did you check the kitchen-" Seto nodded, looking slightly distressed now. "Uh... W-What about your room-"

"Checked there, too."

"Uh- Ok... Where else did you check?"

"The hallways, I asked everyone here if they'd seen it, and I even checked the laundry and incinerator room. It's just not here."

"Hey, it's okay. Everyone can look for it later if no one finds it before that."

"Right, right. No need to get worked up over a key, right?"

Amber nodded, hearing the click of the Mess Hall doors, she turned around to see Mango walking over to the table.

"I'll go ask Mango if she's seen it. Why don't you go drink some of your tea. You can go look for the key later, okay?"

Seto nodded and went into the kitchen. Amber walked over to Mango and tapped on her shoulder to get her attention.

"Hey, Amber. What's up?"

"Hey, Mango. Seto can't find the incinerator key, have you seen it?"

Mango thought for a moment before replying.

"No, sorry. Only key I've seen all day is my own." Mango held up her room key to put emphasis on the fact. "I'll keep an eye out for it though."

"Right, okay. Thanks." Amber let Mango start putting food on her plate as the sound of the doors clicking caught her attention.

Sub walked over and Amber went over to her as she sat down.

"Hey, Sub? Have you seen the incinerator key? Seto can't find it."

"No... Has he looked everywhere?"

"Yup. The laundry room, the incinerator room, the hallways, he already asked everyone in here if they'd seen it."

"Alright.. Sorry. Tell him I'll look out for it, okay?"

"I'll let him know."


Amber began to pace by the door, small seeds of doubt began to worm their way into her head, but she shook them away.

Maybe some of Seto's tea would help..

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