Chapter 01| Castle Trial

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Day Four | Chapter 01 : To Hope or to Despair | Castle Trial

The doors to the elevator slid open and MonoMachine skipped out of the elevator, holding out their arms to gesture to the room they had arrived at.

The room was decorated in mostly red and brown colors, gold columns arched up to the vaulted ceilings.

On one side of the room was an elevated throne that MonoMachine was now running over to.

A circle of wooden stands were arranged in the center of the room, small golden plaques were nailed to them, a name printed onto each of them.

The group slowly stepped into the room and looked around while MonoMachine situated their body on the throne.

"Well?! What do you think? Almost like a real courtroom, right?!"

"I've never been in one so.." Maya trailed off.

"Well- Who cares?! Get to your assigned spots!"

Everyone wandered over to their assigned stands with a look of anxiety imprinted in their features.

Once everyone was standing in their spots, MonoMachine began to speak.

"Now then, let us begin with an explanation of the Castle Trial.

Your votes determine the outcome.
If you can figure out who the 'villain' is, then they will receive punishment.
However, if you pick the incorrect one, everyone else shall be punished!"

No one tried to deny the explanation. Denying it wouldn't do anyone any good.

"So.. The killer is one of us?" Seto asked with the same analytical tone he had during the investigation.

Amber suddenly became aware of the wooden stand next to her. Hanging to that stand was an X'ed out monochrome image of Lara, not unlike her bedroom portrait.

"What's with the picture?" Ty asked, looking slightly disturbed.

"Oh! Well I didn't want Lara to miss out on her own trial! So, there she is!"

Everyone cast uneasy looks to Lara's portrait.

"I believe that's it for the preamble. First up is the case summary! Begin!"

This was it.
This was the start of the life or death trial.

"Before we start discussing the case, I must know. Why has Lara's blood turned pink?"

"Oh! Well, you probably don't know, but in order to create a unique little quirk for this Event, I've made you all ingest a special drug that colors your blood pink! Pretty neat, right?"


"W-When on earth did that happen?!"

"Everyone, please, calm down. If we have all been ingesting a drug without even being aware it was in our systems for the past few days, we shouldn't worry about it. Not when we have more pressing matters at hand."

"Yeah.. I suppose he's right." Jasmine muttered, studying her wrist, likely trying to see if her veins had changed color with her blood.

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