Hope. Something that any sentient being can't live without.
Hope comes in all sorts of forms, it's most common being other people.
So what would happen if, say, 16 of the most hope-filled people in the world were suddenly faced with the game of a d...
Day Eight | Chapter 02: Frothing Despair | To Survive Deadly Life
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"Don't worry.. I'm sure that once we get a good look around this place, we'll figure it out. That, or find the exit."
"Maybe we just aren't going to kill each other and you should give up..."
"Amber? Hey, Amber, you alright?"
"I am choosing not to let this affect my thinking. If we don't think straight, we are not going to accomplish anything. I am not going to let MonoMachine's threat get to me. We will solve this and we will figure out who did this."
"As much as you probably want to, thinking about 'what if's and hypotheticals isn't going to solve this case. As much as we wish this wasn't happening, it is. We have to deal with it. Unless you want to surrender to MonoMachine and let him end your life."
"Well, it's not hard to predict what a collection of people will do when you limit their range and information."
"However, we need to stick together. MonoMachine's goal is to make us doubt each other and fall into despair. I don't know what you all think, but I want to do the exact opposite of everything that MonoMachine says, whether it's true or not."
There, sitting in the far back of the closet, was the one and only Ultimate Sorcerer, Seto.
The most level-headed of the attendees, sprawled out with all the life drained from his amber eyes.
Amber wasn't sure if she could believe it or not.
"No.. Oh god.." Ty gasped, backing away and shaking his head. "This isn't real.. This isn't real.. Seto... Seto isn't.." Ty grasped at his hair, eyes staring at Seto's lifeless body.
"Seto.." Amber whispered mournfully, looking over at Chase to see his reaction.
"No. Not again.. Not now.. Not again.. Not Seto-Damnit-NO!" Chase shouted, stepping several paces back as the sound of footsteps thundered through the air from the stairway.
"Not-NO!" Chase shouted again, several unintelligible words spewing out of his mouth.
"W-What happened?!" Sky asked, eyes wide at the sight of Chase and Ty muttering repetitive phrases to themselves in an attempt to pretend that Seto's death wasn't real.
"W-We heard the announcement who-?" Sky asked, stopping as his gaze landed on the open closet door. Jasmine stormed past the group, stopping in front of Amber.
Amber turned her gaze to the body inside the closet and Jasmine's gaze followed. Her expression went blank.
".. What..? S.. Seto?" She stepped closer to the closet.