Chapter 02 | Trial of Tears

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Day Eight | Chapter 02: Frothing Despair | Castle Trial

The elevator slowed to a stop and it's doors opened up for the attendees it contained.

MonoMachine skipped over to their throne, sitting down and watching the attendees as they went to their assigned stands, casting disturbed looks at the three new portraits that were propped up in place of their now deceased friends.

The only difference was that Bodil's image was crossed out with what looked like sticks of dynamite, painted in the same fuchsia color.

Jasmine looked over to the portrait of Maya next to her and made a sound similar to a choking sound but it was tuned out by MonoMachine's happy voice.

"Now then, let us begin with an explanation of the Castle Trial.

Your votes determine the outcome.
If you can figure out who the 'villain' is, then they will receive punishment.
However, if you pick the incorrect one, everyone else shall be punished!"

This time, no one asked for confirmation of the killer being an attendee. They had already accepted it.

That thought made Amber feel even more hopeless.

"Caw.." Crow looked very disturbed as they stared at Maya's portrait. The image of Maya's hanging body was probably still haunting them. Sky was doing the same as Crow, although it was a more pitiful look.

"Alright.. So.. First up is the case summary.." Jason muttered, not knowing what to say next.

"We first found Maya's body in the Entrance Hall around eight this morning. According to the MonoMachine File, she died at around 9:45 last night from asphyxiation." Amber looked at Jasmine, who was staring down at her feet and her hands were tightly gripping a sketchbook Amber didn't notice she had until now.

Jerome pulled out one of the files and turned it on before reading.
"The victim is Seto the Ultimate Sorcerer. The victim was discovered inside closet #2 on the second floor at 8:09 AM.

The victim has suffered a broken neck and traces of blood can be found inside the mouth."

"Alright. So.. What was discovered while you guys investigated Maya's body?" Amber asked, recalling everything Seto had said during the last trial.

"Well, we found a knocked over stool and her sketchbook." Sky gestured to the sketchbook Jasmine was holding.

"Right. I went to investigate down there as well. Maya had a pencil sharpener, her handbook, and room key in her pockets. She was tied to the chandelier by some wire. I also found a rag with blood smears on it." Amber held up the rag and items she had listed off.

"What about where we found Seto's body?" Jason asked and Amber put the items away before answering.

"Seto was in the very back of the closet and there was some frayed wire in front of his body. I found his notepad, the trash room key, his handbook, and the inventory list from the medicine room. His mouth was full of blood that, according to the MonoMachine File, was coughed up before his death."

"You.. Looked in his mouth?" Jay asked, looking disturbed.

"Yes, but that isn't relevant right now." Amber answered, thinking over the information she had.

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