Part 3

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Dark leaned against Mark's car while waiting for Ryan and Matt to join him.  He had a plan to test Anti's savage nature... but getting the bait was another thing.  He had chosen Ryan and Matt to start, because they were easy to forget.  Mark had blamed himself for their sour parting... Dark on the other hand felt that if they wanted to part... he'd make them part this world.  Adjusting his Ass Ass sunglasses against the fading sunlight, he practically growled with irritation.  They sure as hell were taking their sweet ass time.  He hated being patient.  Finally, they came outside, heading for the car and mumbling sourly at him.  "Let's just get this over with, Mark. We have a job to do".  Dark only gave the slightest nod in acknowledgement.  Turning to stare off at the farthest lamp post, spotting Anti leaning there casually before disappearing into a ripple of green sparks that slipped into the lamp post.  Slipping into the drive seat, Dark watched the green static race across the power line as he started the car.  Dark hated driving.  It was so much slower then traveling by shadow... but he had to play off the illusion he was Mark in order to bring in the bait.  It didn't matter what Ryan and Matt were bitching to him about.  He wasn't listening to them and what pieces he did manage to hear only made him want to kill them more.  How did Mark ever consider these guys friends?  All they ever seemed to do was whine like children.  Hardly able to bare the endless bitter whining, Dark pressed his foot down on the gas peddle.  It was either speed up the car, or punch in Ryan's face.

Ryan gripped his seat belt tightly, yelling at Dark when he noticed the speedometer was reading almost ninety-five miles per hour on a forty miles per hour road.  "Mark? Jesus man! Slow it down! Are you trying to kill us"!  Dark lost his tempter, yanking off his sunglasses and turning his black eyes on Ryan as he yelled back aggressively.  "If you two don't shut up-"!  Dark was cut short by Ryan pointing at the windshield, screaming out.  "MARK"!  Dark only had time to see a dark figure standing in the middle of the road, illuminated by the headlights for a split second.  Dark locked stern eyes on a grinning Anti, before the left front tire of the car blew out and the car swerved violently into a large tree!  The impact sent Dark crashing through the windshield and into the woods.  It took Dark a moment to climb up onto all fours.  His leg felt stiff and his side was aching.  That wasn't the plan!  Anti was suppose to wait until the reached the top of the fucking mountain!  Even then he was just suppose to wait for the goddamn signal!  Dark slowly sat up onto his knees and cursed.  Fresh blood was pouring from a large gash across his side and the more he moved the more that spewed out.  Forcing himself to stand, he carefully made his way back to the crash site.  Hearing Ryan's terrified calls, as his vision faded in and out.  "Mark? Mark? Shit... I don't know what else to do"!  Dark didn't bother responding to Ryan.  He was loosing too much blood to waste the energy.  He did however faintly feel Anti in the shadows and called out sharply to him.  "What did you do"?  Anti didn't respond, but he saw Matt's mangled body laying beside the car.

Ryan was kneeling close by crying out to him in overwhelming grief.  "He's dead".  Dark took a deep breath trying to steady himself.  Loosing blood wouldn't kill him, but it did weaken the hell out of him.  He'd make Anti pay for this when he got his hands on the scrawny son of a bitch.  Right then the cars busted radio started to blare out a mass of static before tuning into Anti's chuckling high pitched voice that told him.  "Having fun yet"?  Ryan glanced up at him asking shakily.  "What was that"?  Dark didn't bother answering.  Instead, he turned calling out to the spot he faintly felt Anti in.  "It doesn't count if you don't get your hands dirty"!  Ryan quickly looked around in the direction Dark was yelling.  When he didn't see anyone he turned back to Dark asking scarcely.  "Mark, are you alright"?  Dark turned his black eyes on Ryan once again and this time he must have noticed the color, because he gasped and began to stagger backwards... right into Anti.  Ryan turned to stare at Anti in surprise, asking in disbelief.  "Jack"?  Anti grinned back, correcting.  "It's Anti actually".  Dark approached Ryan from behind, quickly telling him in a deep commanding voice.  "Don't move and don't you dare say a word".  Ryan's eyes glazed over and his body fell limply to the ground.  Anti watched him fall, chuckling back.  "Well, he moved".  Dark didn't laugh.  He immediately grabbed Anti's throat and pushed him back firmly against the nearest tree. 

Anti didn't struggle as Dark yelled out viciously.  "Why the hell didn't you stick to the plan"!  Anti couldn't answer with how tightly Dark was hold his throat.  So, Anti merely stared Dark down as the car radio blared out to answer for him.  "What was it you said to me before? Oh, yes. You asked and I answered. You wanted to see my savage nature. I showed you".  Dark's black eyes started to flicker red irises, as he bitterly yelled back.  "Crashing my car doesn't prove anything! Now because of you, I'm weaker then I should be! We can't afford slip ups like this if we are going to work together"!  Again the radio piped up to answer for Anti.  "You didn't specify 'how' I should kill them. Killing them is killing them. There is no difference".  Dark's grip loosened and he ran a finger along the scar across Anti's neck, muttering back in a suddenly distracted voice.  "Then maybe I should show you".  Anti swatted Dark's hand away from his neck, bitterly shooting back.  "Fuck you. I killed Jack without your lame advice. I don't need it now".  Dark flashed him a menacing grin, right as Anti felt something coil around his torso.  A black shadowy coil pulled Anti tightly back against the tree, while Dark conjured a bowie knife out of his shadows.  Pointing the tip to Anti's throat, Dark whispered in a voice as smooth as dark chocolate.  "That wasn't a request. First things first, though. You're going to make up for what you've done to me".  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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