Part 24

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Anti took Dark back to the mortal plane, releasing his hand and gesturing to the Pax building.  Dark strolled passed him, adjusting his tie as he sternly stated aloud.  "How many people do you think were crazy enough to come see us"?  Anti closed his eyes a moment.  Letting his mind drift through the buildings power.  Tapping into every phone and camera, before he opened his eyes to answer simply.  "Quite a few. Shall I go out and say I"?  Anti started to reach for the door, when Dark snatched his wrist.  Holding it tightly, when he told Anti plainly.  "Maybe I should go out and set the scene first. Everyone is scared of the dark".  Anti took a step back, letting Dark enter the building first.  When he was sure Dark wasn't looking, Anti rolled his eyes sarcastically.  The egotistical bastard.  Once inside the building a Pax security guard quickly approached them saying.  "You two are late. Where have you been? We've got people waiting".  Dark shoved the man to the ground easily, bitterly growling out.  "I know".  Anti pulled the deep blue curtain back a bit to see the crowd.  There was quite a few people sitting eagerly... until Dark snapped his fingers. 

The loud 'Snap' blew out every light in the auditorium and Dark softly chuckled to himself.  Anti couldn't see him, but heard Dark say happily.  "Shall we begin"?  Anti hated standing in the darkness.  So, he moved slightly away from the curtain and began to coat himself in soft green sparks.  Lightening up just the area around himself.  Dark walked up onto the stage loudly and the chatter died down from the crowd.  Dark snapped his fingers again and the stage lights turned on to reveal him to the crowd.  The crowd began to scream and cheer with excitement.  Anti curled his hands into fists.  They wouldn't cheer for him if they knew what kind of man he was.  Dark raised his hands and the crowd fell quiet.  When not a soul was talking.  Dark approached the edge of the stage, telling the crowd in a deep calming voice.  "Thank you all for coming here. While I may not be here for any of you personally. Just know that I can give you anything your heart desires.  All I ask of you... is loyalty. Loyalty is rewarded with prices beyond imagination. Disloyalty is dealt with immediately with... death. Am I clear"?  The crowd cheered. 

Anti peeked out from behind the curtain again.  How was Dark going to try and kill him?  Dark's energy began to rise and Anti acted quickly.  He was going to command the crowd to do it!  He couldn't allow THAT!  So, it was time to act.  Disappearing into a shower of sparks, Anti entered into an electrical cord and up into the large TV above Darkiplier.  He had to take the crowds focus off Dark.  Split the crowd up.  From within the TV, Anti turned it on and the crowd screamed with joy at the sight of Jack!  An illusion... but they didn't need to know that.  The illusion of Jack waved to everyone happily telling everyone.  "Hey! You guys didn't forget about me now"?  The crowd began to cheer, while Dark turned to the TV snapping back.  "What are you doing"?!  The illusion of Jack, looked down at Dark with a smile when it answered.  "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have an important message for everyone". 

The illusion of Jack looked back at the crowd, stating happily.  "Everyone listen up! While we were locked away in this building... there was an outbreak outside. A dangerous and deadly virus has struck the nations. Everyone! Listen! It will be alright! We just need to stay calm and---".  Anti made the illusion of Jack ripple with static and let his own playfully voice blare out happily.  "Everybody says that I'm sick...".  Letting the illusion of Jack begin to cough loudly, the crowd started to whisper excitedly.  The illusion of Jack recovered, telling everyone scarcely.  "Stay indoors... It's...".  The illusion of Jack, raised a hand to touch his bleeding nose and everyone gasped.  The illusion looked up at the crowd, utterly terrified as he told them.  "Help... me".  The illusions eyes began to bleed and the TV turned into a trippy montage of Jack's rage play throughs and then a few scared screams from Jack... before everything went black.  Anti then told everyone loudly.  "The house of madness invites you inside...Where it gives us pleasure to see your suffering dripping from your eyes... A place where escape is gone forever and you can only watch AS THIS HAPPENS"! 

The TV exploded into a shower of sparks as Anti burst from the screen and landed on the wooden stage.  The crowd practically rose from their seats, clapping and cheering.  Anti slowly rose up, staring wickedly at Dark.  Dark crossed his arms over his chest and sighed heavily.  Flashing Dark a smug grin, Anti told him excitedly.  "What can I say? I know how to make a shocking entrance".  Dark wasn't even a little amused.  Anti took a side step away, waiting for him to do something.  To start up the fight.  Dark didn't like to be shown up... and Anti did it in the most theatrical way.  The crowd cooled down, before Dark told Anti in a stern voice.  "You think you're so clever, don't you. You think I don't know what you're up too? You really should try being more subtle. Letting your large pet eat Chicanery. Pretending you didn't overhear my conversation with Jack. So, what's your plan, Anti? Kill me? You've tried that... and failed".

Anti shrugged carelessly, answering back dryly.  "Sure. I'll give you that. You got me there. However, you don't know everything".  Dark tapped his foot, giving Anti a bored look when he asked.  "What could you possibly do to me, Anti? Everything you do, so can I".  Anti raised a hand to point a finger at him saying excitedly.  "Now that is not entirely true. See, I have to use that power on you for you to get it... but there is one trick you haven't copied of mine".  Dark rolled his eyes, snapping back.  "I've had enough of this".  Dark extended out his arm and flicked his wrist, creating his long shadowy whip.  When he flicked it back, the hot molten flames scorched the stage.  Then he lashed it out at Anti.  Anti didn't move.  He simply raised his arm, letting the whip lash around it.  His flash began to burn for only a moment as the whip heated up to molten temperatures.  When the skin on his arm turned black, Anti took hold of the whip firmly.  Anti's eyes blinked into bright neon green and his body began to hum loudly as it charged.  Dark had to turn away as Anti's body began to glow brightly with a green aura.

Dark released the whip, expecting him to send the charge up the whip.  Anti shot him a smirk, dashing straight for Dark!  Dark couldn't watch Anti, he was took damn bright.  Although, the sound of him quickly approaching confused him.  Forcing him to risk a look up, just as Anti jumped straight into him!  The crowd gasped and Dark fell stiffly to one knee.  Dark took a few deep breaths, before mumbling to himself mostly.  "This trick again, Anti? It doesn't matter how strong you think you are. I'll gladly absorb you".  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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