Part 20

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Anti moved among the cornfield silently.  His eyes scanning the area for any movement.  Every now and again, Sans would send him visions of Jack or Mark creeping off somewhere.  Anti hadn't thought he could teleport into a game... but now that he knew he could... this made things more interesting.  Anti stopped at the edge of the cornfield and waited.  He knew Jack would either head for a generator or try to pair up with Mark.  Before him the shadows morphed into Darkiplier.  With a broad smile, Dark told him softly.  "You rigged this well. I can feel them crouched in the shadows. Over there. Shall I send Chicanery"?  Anti turned in the direction Dark was pointing answering calmly.  "Why let her have all the fun? How about you and I go and split them up"?  Anti watched Mark walk up beside to him asking amused.  "This is you're game. Tell me how you want to play".  Anti kept his eyes ahead, telling Dark with a devilish smirk.  "I'm thinking about playing a little cat and mouse with Mark. Do you mind"?  Dark shook head, stating calmly.  "Not at all. As long as I get some time with Jack"?  Anti nodded, just as he felt the generator surge into sparks. 

Dark gestured for Anti to go first.  Anti pulled enough energy from the ground in order to quickly dash over to the generator.  He was so fast that they hadn't seen him arrive!  Their focus was still on the generator.  So, for his own enjoyment.  Anti told them in a menacing distorted voice.  "All doors are closed! You are a prisoner of my games and nobody will help you escape"!  Both Jack and Mark let out a sharp scream before bolting off into different directions!  Anti placed a hand on the generator and absorbed all the power from it until it went silent again.  Only looking up when he heard Jack yell out.  "OH FUCK"!  Dark had materialized right before him, forcing Jack to turn or run into him.  Dark flashed Anti a grin, before walking after Jack.  Taking a few steps before disappearing into the shadows.  With the generator drained, Anti turned to walk in the direction Mark had ran off in.  Anti walked slow, but knew Mark hadn't gone too far.  Raising a hand, Anti clenched his fist until it started to spark violently.  Then with a swift gesture aimed at the ground, he released the sparks like an electrical wave across the ground in every direction for only a few feet.

Anti heard Mark scream as he was electrocuted, before watching him bolt from behind a wall.  Anti once again absorbed energy to run and cut Mark off.  Stopping just in front of Mark, Anti yelled back at him happily.  "BOO"!  Mark screamed again and quickly changed course, yelling out loudly.  "JACK! I NEED YOUR HELP"!  From somewhere semi-near, Jack answered a bit breathlessly.  "I'M KIND OF BUSY"!  Anti let loose another electrical wave across the ground, watching Mark quickly jump through a window to avoid being shocked.  Mark then raced off into the corn field, telling Anti loudly.  "Anti! Wait! You've got this all wrong! We're the good guys"!  Anti strolled casually into the corn field, replying calmly.  "Not from where I'm standing. You're just another traitor. We kill the traitors".  Mark crouched out of sight, but Anti wasn't worried as he stated.  "You both made this happen. You only have yourselves to blame".  From across the map, Anti heard Jack scream out in a terrified voice.  "HELP ME"!  Anti closed his eyes for a moment.  He felt strange.  He could feel Dark's hands gripping his ankle tightly... but when he opened his eyes and looked down... Nothing was touching him.

Anti became lost in thought for a second as he thought about how hurting Jack might hurt him.  When out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mark slowly try to creep away.  Letting his claws grow out, Anti stayed still pretending he hadn't noticed.  Then whipping around, Anti slashed Mark's side.  Mark howled in pain, grabbing his side as he raced off out of the corn field.  Glancing down at his sharp black claws, Anti grinned wickedly.  He had cut Mark deeply.  Sure, because he was a soul he didn't bleed... but in that single strike, Anti had felt himself take in some of that sweet soul.  It felt good.  Made him feel unlimited energy for a split second.  He couldn't wait to feel more.  What would he become if he absorbed Mark or Jack's soul?  Glancing up from his claws, Anti walked out of the corn field after Mark.  He didn't have to guess where he would be headed.  He loved Jack.  He'd go to save him.  He was a fool. 

Taking in more energy from the ground, Anti sped across the area to where he knew Dark would go if he had Jack.  There was only one basement on this map.  A room filled with hooks and tools.  The perfect place to set a trap.  Stopping at the top of the steps, Anti nodded to a guarding Chicanery.  She scooted away just enough for him to pass, then adjusted herself back.  Descending the steps into the dimly light basement, Anti slowed to see Jack was hanging by one of the hooks by his roped wrists.  Dark had cut Jack's shirt open and was tracing his every curve with the tip of his bowie knife.  In a deep threatening whisper, Dark purred aloud into Jack's ear.  "Go on. Scream for him. Make him come for you".  Anti inhaled sharply and stepped back to lean against the wall for support.  Anti could feel Dark's knife tracing his own skin... could feel his breath against his ear.  Was it because he was connected to Jack?  Was it because he was so close to Jack right now?  Had Dark felt this when he kissed Mark?  Did Dark feel him strike Mark?  He didn't seem to know anything about it this connection yet. 

Jack shook his head, biting his lip hard.  Anti placed a hand to his lower stomach, feeling Dark's knife tease across his hip bones.  Anti bit his lip for a different reason.  Breathlessly calling out to Darkiplier to draw his attention.  "Dark..."?  Dark took a step back from Jack to get a better look at Anti.  When he saw the way Anti was grasping the hem of his shirt, he smugly asked.  "Shouldn't you be hunting Mark"?  Anti spread his legs a bit and slowly began pulling the hem of his shirt up, when he stated happily.  "I am. I'm baiting him... and watching you play".  Dark grinned, beckoning Anti to come closer with a stern finger as he told him.  "Well, then. Come here and get a closer look. I'm just about to make him start screaming".  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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