Part 13

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Anti spun the black drumsticks between his fingers before starting to play and sing the song 'Uncontainable'.  The thudding of the beat had Anti's confidence in overdrive.  He had never felt so powerful and content.  Little Sans bounced on his shoulder to the beat, encouraging him to sing louder and get more into the rock star attitude.  Anti was so wrapped in the joy of playing that he barely noticed the green fog that began to seep from the drum set.  It filled the guest bedroom with a haunting smoky look and little Sans jumped off his shoulder to the ground.  Anti paid no mind to it, until he saw something in the green fog start flashing with electricity.  From the fog a large figure raised out of the smoke.... little Sans wasn't so little anymore!  In fact, he was about as big as a Anti now.  His large round green veiny black head rose from the fog and turned to look at Anti.  Just under that bright green iris of his was a huge mouth filled with razor sharp teeth!  Sans grinned excitedly at him, tapping his long tail that was curled around Anti and the drum set to the beat.  When the song ended and Anti raised the drumsticks in the air victoriously, he noticed the fog was fading away and Sans was shrinking back down to his normal size.  Which made him wonder... Had he empowered Sans and the drums due to his own enjoyment? 

Darkiplier had given up on trying to clean his bowie knife for now.  Crossing out into the living room to pick up his revolver off the coffee table.  He'd clean that for a while instead.  Dropping onto the couch, Dark flicked out the barrel to make sure it was empty before spinning it and flicking it back into place.  Picking up the cleaner he got to work shining it up, when he heard Anti moving around in the hall.  He couldn't wait to hear this 'iconic' plan of his to take out fans... but Anti didn't come out to meet him.  He seemed to slip off into a bedroom?  Was Anti preparing to show him something?  He had soon finished cleaning his gun and had even taken his time loading it... one bullet at a time... but he had grown tired of waiting on Anti.  What was the fucking pain in the ass doing now?!  Climbing to his feet, Dark ran his hands down his chest to change his clothes back into a fine grey suit.  Then slipped his gun into the holster under his arm, before straightening his suit coat.  Outside, the mongrel growled and barked at him furiously.  Apparently, the beast knew the difference between himself and Mark.  He wasn't sure what he was going to do with her yet... but she was beginning to annoy him... and things that annoyed him never did live very long.

Dark's thoughts drifted away from Chica as the house started to fill up with the sounds of Anti singing and a loud powerful drum beat.  Raising a curious eyebrow, Dark made his way down the hallway to the source of the music.  Standing outside the guest bedroom, Dark blinked confused.  He knew what was in that room... Mark didn't own a drum set.  Where the hell did Anti find one here?  For a while he just stood there listening to Anti's powerful voice.  The longer he listened the more he felt kind of hazy... a kind of trance, maybe?  It seemed his voice had a power similar to his own... only it appeared to be when he sings.  Shaking his head to clear it, Dark raised his fingers to plug up his ears.  His eyes drifting to the weird green fog that was leaking out from under the door.  Taking a quick step back, Dark felt a sudden pulse of a weird dark energy coming from the room.  Something else was inside with Anti... and Dark could feel the floor shake from something thudding inside... How big was this thing in there with Anti?  Dark wanted to open the door, but he didn't want to surprise whatever it was... just in case. 

The moment the song seemed to end, the fog dissipated and the feeling of that weird dark energy faded away.  Cautiously, opening up the bedroom door, he let it swing open wide to reveal the whole room.  Anti jerked his head in his direction surprised, lowering his arms and looking like a kid caught in the middle of something bad.  Scanning the room, Dark asked him sternly.  "What is going on in here"?  Anti flashed him a 'not so innocent' smile, asking back nonchalantly.  "I don't know what you mean".  Dark took a step into the room, trying to feel out the source of the dark energy he felt.  It was faint... but it was still here.  While he scanned the room for it, he told Anti darkly.  "Don't play games with me, Anti. What are you doing in here... and where did that piece of junk come from"?  Anti crossed his arms defensively, snapping back at him.  "How dare you. This happens to be a very expensive drum set and where I got it is none of your concern".  Dark looked up to stare Anti down with cold emotionless eyes as he bitterly snapped out.  "Mind your tone with me, Anti. I know what I felt and I want to know what you're doing, right now".  Anti shrugged unfazed and Dark started to charge forward toward him.  He'd beat it out of Anti if that is what it took!  Only he stopped short, when he saw something leap onto Anti's shoulder and hunch up like an aggressive cat! 

Dark stared at the little sickly looking eyeball, unable to really understand what he was looking at...  It was the source of the dark energy he had felt... but what the hell was it?  He couldn't have been real.  Anti gestured calmly from the eyeball to him and back, as he innocently introduced them to each other.  "Sans, meet Darkiplier. Dark, meet Septiceye Sans".  Dark blinked perplexed, before dryly stating.  "Sans? What kind of name is that. Didn't Jack name it something like Sam"?  Sans lunged off Anti's shoulder toward him, but Anti quickly snatched him out of mid-air.  Anti then preceded to stroke the sickly looking thing as he told him seriously.  "Don't compare him to Sam. He is nothing like him. Besides, the name 'Sans' means without, lacking, missing, wanting, or less. And to me, Sans here is everything Septiceye Sam is without. There is more to him than what meets the eye".  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                     

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