Part 17

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Anti rolled his eyes, muttering out bitterly.  "What do you want"?  Mark looked as tired as he felt.  Mark's voice even sounded worn out, when he told him gently.  "Anti... Please help me".  Anti turned away annoyed, brushing passed Mark as he stated dryly.  "Why would I do that? I don't know if you've heard... but I'm NOT the good guy".  Anti dropped back across the long sofa, hanging his arms off the edge above his head and crossing his legs.  Mark turned slowly to face him, walking cautiously toward him as he simply told him.  "I know... but I know at the end of the day... you're still apart of Jack.  You haven't shut him out".  Anti scoffed loudly, draping one of his arms along the back of the sofa, when he blandly but curiously asked.  "And how would you know? Have you seen him lately"?  Mark shook his head and stopped next to the sofa, telling him honestly.  "No. but you're a creature of energy, Anti. Everything you take from him, you unknowingly give back. It's your nature". 

Anti drummed his fingers loudly against the back of the sofa in mild irritation, when he asked curiously.  "And what? Dark isn't feeding your soul? What a shame. I've got my own problems. Now fuck off"!  Anti relaxed, closing his eyes and trying to focus on recharging.  Only to have Mark tell him in a warm tender voice.  "He's killing me, Anti. And when he drains the last of my soul... I won't exist anymore. I know that doesn't matter to you. But all evil needs to triumph, is a few good men to do nothing".  Anti opened his eyes to lazily snap back.  "Watch yourself, Mark. I'm part of the evil you're speaking of".  Mark surprised him by kneeling beside the sofa and telling him in a calm confident voice.  "You are what you choose to be. You're not black hearted, Anti. You do care. You're scared of being forgotten, but you still have feelings"!  Anti slowly sat up, his eyes narrowing on Mark in a threatening manner, as he sneered out through clenched teeth.  "I am NOT scared of anything!  You know NOTHING"! 

Mark didn't even flinch as he told Anti lightly and calmly.  "I know, Jack. You can deny it, but you share his heart. Jack feared a lot of things. He feared Disappointment. Failure... but he was always happy with his decisions and the way he approached life. Leaving you-".  Anti had heard enough and backhanded Mark before he could finish.  However, Mark stubbornly finished as he turned to stare Anti in the eyes with his soft brown ones.  "To question yourself. You fear you're going to fade away into the darkness. That you were never good enough. Jack took all the joy and happiness. Leaving you with despair and anguish".  Anti leaned in closer telling Mark sharply.  "You better go before 'I' vaporize the last of your pathetic soul".  Mark reached out to touch Anti's cheek and Anti flinched away.  Allowing Mark to softly add in.  "You feel lost and alone. I understand. But filling your heart with more pain isn't going to change how you feel".  Anti dug his fingers into the sofa, feeling the fabric tear under his nails... but he couldn't bring himself to move away. 

Mark leaned in close to Anti's pointed ear, whispering lovingly to him as he touched Anti's shoulder comfortingly.  "Give me a chance to show you what Dark can't. You want to feel something other than pain? You want to know what that tastes like"?  Anti shifted his eyes from the floor to Mark's eyes.  Anti couldn't see Mark being able to show him anything.  Breathing a long sarcastic exhale, Anti told him dryly.  "Don't make me laugh, Mark. I'm way too much for you to handle. A couple thousand volts worth to be exact".  Mark smirked a little, closing in close to Anti's lips to tease out playfully.  "I think I've had a taste of you before. The beast in bed... It was you, wasn't it? Jack was never normally that aggressive in bed".  Anti stayed silent.  Letting himself give in.  Carefully, taking Mark's jaw in his hand, Anti pulled him into his kiss.  Mark didn't resist and he kissed him back like it was so natural to him.  Anti couldn't sense even a hint that Mark was afraid of him. 

Anti lightly trailed his fingers along Mark's jaw and down his throat.  When his fingers touched the heavy metal chain around Mark's throat, Anti curled his fingers around it and squeezed it until it shattered.  Mark jerked away from his kiss gasping sharply as the chains that bound his neck and wrists fell away into nothingness.  Reaching out, Anti carefully took hold of Mark's shirt and pulled him back as he told Mark firmly.  "You owe me for that, Boyo. Now you should know, I'm a bossy bottom and I'm aggressive. If you can't handle that... leave".  Mark chuckled, shuffling closer to the sofa's edge as he stated with a small smirk.  "You're aggressive and Dark is demanding... Just shut up and let me show you what 'I' can do".  Now Anti smirked, letting Mark cup his face to start a sensual kiss.  Anti didn't expect anything.  He enjoyed sharp bitter pain... but this kiss was like a spark of light in a world of darkness.  It had an energy of it's own! 

Anti closed his eyes, feeling the strange energy pulse through his core like a powerful reverberating drum beat.  Was this the kind of thing Dark felt when drinking his blood?  Anti swung his legs off the sofa and pushed Mark, until he backed up to allow him to kneel before him.  The energy pouring into him from Mark felt so strong it was overwhelming him.... Yet, he couldn't get enough of it!  When he pulled away from Mark's lips to breathe, Mark leaned in for his throat.  Anti bared his neck, expecting to feel the bite of sharp steel across his throat... or maybe Mark's teeth.  Instead, Mark tenderly kissed his scar as if his soft kisses would take the scar away.  Anti felt a shiver run through him and turned his eyes to the corner of the room.  Chica was curled up on her bed with little Sans and when Sans noticed him looking... he showed him what 'he' saw. 

From Sans's view, Mark was holding Anti in a lovers embrace.  Kissing his throat like a he was worshipping the very taste of Anti... but that wasn't what had Anti's attention.  What shocked Anti was that from Sans's view... Anti's eyes were not black with green irises... they were flickering a neon white!  What was Mark doing to him?  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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