Part 15

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Anti twisted the lightening through the air and made it split out over the circle of people like a burst of raining strings to the ground.  Giving the illusion that they were protected by a barrier.  The people in the circle did exactly what Dark had commanded.  They stayed formed in a circle, but stared awestruck up at the dissipating static.  Dark rose his hands at this 'wondrous' turn of events, telling everyone with loud excitement.  "I think he's here! Demon show yourself to us"!  Anti tried to keep the camera steady as he let a 'clone' ripple into existence beside Dark.  It took a lot more of his energy than he had thought to clone a version of Dark... but it was worth it.  The clone of Dark was dressed in Dark's favorite grey suit, with pure black eyes and for some extra fun... Anti added large black leather wings.  From behind the camera, Anti caught Dark's sharp narrow stare of disapproval.  Dark had told him NOT to put him in horns, wings, or fangs... but Dark just didn't get it.  They were summoning a 'demon' that would become Dark.  Dark just like to keep things so straight forward, unless he was torturing someone. 

The people in the circle gasped and squealed at the 'clone Dark'.  Dark gave the clone a polite bow, before asking it aloud for everyone to hear.  "Thank you for coming. Here are your sacrifices! Take them as payment for Jack's returned soul. Cast out the demon that has taken him over! Save him and I will be in your debt"!  A woman forming the circle, yelled out 'Septiplier away', and the others cheered or laughed.  Dark didn't.  He merely grabbed the wrists of the sacrificial victims and walked them to the clone.  Anti made the clone flash Dark a grin, before it raised it's large wings back out of his way and dashing forward.  The clone charged Dark and Dark let out a painful howl as the clone jumped inside his body.  The second the clone entered Dark it was gone.  Dark's body absorbed his energy like the illusion it was.  Dark faked falling onto his back, while the people around him shifted uneasily.  Anti moved in closer with the camera.  This was to be Darkiplier's moment.  Anti zoomed in the camera... and his eyes widened.  Their was someone in the shot.  Backing up the lens a bit, he could see... Markiplier?  He was standing at Dark's feet like a wispy ghost. 

Mark's eyes were stained with bloody tears as he screamed out at everyone through a raspy voice.  "GET AWAY FROM HIM! RUN"!  Anti checked the crowd, curiously.  No one could see Mark... They were all waiting for Dark to get up.  Slowly Dark got up and everyone started to cheer... but it ended sharply when they noticed his eyes.  Solid black.  Dark rolled his stiff shoulders and neck, before telling everyone in his deepest and darkest voice.  "My offerings"?  Everyone in the circle pointed to the two in the people in the middle.  So eager to sell them out.  The man backed away toward the people forming the circle, while the woman approached Dark with a blushing smile.  Dark extended a hand to her like a proper gentleman, asking her sweetly.  "May I have your arm, M'lady"?  The woman blushed a brighter red as she placed her hand in his, replying shyly.  "Whatever you want".  Anti gritted his teeth.  Why should he care if Dark played with his food... she didn't mean anything to him.  She'd be dead soon.  Dark's lips curled into a smile as he brought her hand to his lips.  The woman in the circle whined and bounced in place asking in mutters to go next.  Dark kissed the back of her hand.  Then turned her hand over to see the line of Halloween blood. 

Dark stared her down with lusty solid black eyes, keeping her attention away from his other hand that was pulling something from his robes.  In a swift fluid motion, Dark revealed his bowie knife and plunged the blade deep into her arm!  She let out a sharp scream as Dark dragged the dagger through her flesh from elbow to wrist!  All around him people stood in horrified silence or let out surprised screams.  Especially, when they realized they couldn't move their feet!  Dark held her wrist tightly for a moment, watching the blood leak down her arm like spilling red wine.  The man tried to run from the circle, but was roughly shoved back by two people.  They looked surprised at themselves for only a brief moment, before everyone forming the ring went silent and emotionless.  Dark yanked his knife from the only woman still screaming as she watched herself bleed out, heading straight for the man.  The man tried to burst through the ring of people against only to be held tightly for Dark.  Dark raised his hands and made a show of dropping the knife to the ground as he told the man eerily sweet.  "Easy. Everything is going to be alright". 

The man stopped struggling to stare at Dark with terrified eyes.  Dark cupped his face gently, smearing a bloody thumb over the mans lips as he whispered back innocently.  "Then again... how would I know. I've never been to the other side".  The man started to scream but it was muffled by Dark's lips pressing against his.  Anti's grip on the camera tightened, but he tried really hard to keep recording.  At first Anti thought his eyes were playing tricks on him... something red was starting to glow in the mans throat.  Getting brighter and brighter.  When Dark broke the kiss and tilted his head back to laugh, the mans skin seemed to ripple before be burst into flames!  Anti lowered the camera in shock, listening to the mans agonizing screams as he burned alive from the inside out!  When the man melted away into a pile of ash, the people who had held onto him started to burn... turning the circle of people into a ring of silent burning figures in black robes.  Dark stopped laughing long enough to yell at him happily.  "Anti! Get that camera up! We're not done"!  Anti raised the camera and Dark stood before the burning figures, telling the camera darkly.  "Hello. My name is Darkiplier... and if you're watching this Anti... I'll be seeing YOU at Pax. Anyone daring enough is free to come watch".  Anti turned off the camera speechless.  Dark chuckled at him, adding happily.  "You were right. I did enjoy that. I can't wait for Pax".

Dark turned around to walk back to the crying woman, snatching up his knife as he went to finish her off.  Anti however sighed heavily with exhaustion, listening to the soft snapping of bones coming from whatever Dark was doing to the woman's head.  He was hoping Dark would finish up soon... he couldn't keep the barrier up around the baseball field much longer... and it would just make more trouble to get caught with all these dead people around.  Little Sans peeked out from under the collar of his robes and nuzzled against his throat.  Sans was worried about something.  Speaking in an undertone that only little Sans could hear, he asked him softly.  "Show me what you see, Sans".  Closing his eyes, Anti felt the planes change.  The darkness behind his eyelids cleared and appeared to be the park they were just at... only kneeling in the circle of charred people was Markiplier.  He was starring up into the sky with blood stained cheeks and the longer Anti stared... the more he saw smoky black chains around Mark's neck and wrists...  They appeared to be... draining some kind of light from Mark slowly.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

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