Part 5

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Dark took ahold of Ryan's shirt collar and tore through it as easily as paper.  Exposing Ryan's torso to the chill damp woodland air.  Beside him, Anti stood up and stretched.  Dark lost interest in Ryan as he watched Anti stretch.  Anti's body shimmered like an electrical current, as he extended his hands high over his head.  Dark had a strong desire to ground his ass and taste Anti's intoxicating blood again.  He loved the intense feeling his blood gave him.  The incredible power he felt.  Anti lowered his arms and arched his back, starting to levitate a few inches off the ground.  Dark's tongue flicked over his lips to quench their thirst as he stared at Anti's exposed throat.  Thin green sparks reached up from the ground to touch Anti's levitating body.  This had to be how Anti pulled in energy to heal himself, Dark thought to himself.  It only lasted a few seconds, then Anti's body slowly lowered back to the ground.  The moment he was on his feet, Anti dropped his head enough to hide his scar while also making his long loose green bangs fall over his closed eyes. 

 As Anti opened his eyes, he turned to stare at Dark with fierce eyes behind that sheer curtain of green; telling Dark sternly.  "What are you looking at"?  Dark smirked wickedly, answering bluntly.  "You're neck. I'd like to slit it open again".  Anti ran a hand through his bangs to brush them away from his eyes, asking curiously.  "Is that a fact? Shouldn't you at least buy me dinner first"?  Dark smacked Ryan's bare chest, staring only at Anti's glowing green eyes as he shot back.  "What do you think this is"?  Anti strolled up to Dark casually, then kicked Dark in the chest lightly.  The soft kick sent Dark sliding a foot or two away from Ryan's body, but otherwise he didn't feel it.  It didn't even knock him out of his kneeling position.  Anti flashed him a wicked grin, kneeling down beside Ryan's side.  Dark curiously moved closer to watch Anti work.  Anti lifted one of Ryan's hands, leaning over him a bit to be sure he was awake and aware.  When Anti adjusted back, he picked at one of Ryan's fingers, slowly pulling Ryan's fingernail out.  Ryan couldn't make a sound, but his body quivered and tears leaked from the corners of his eyes.  Anti tossed the blood stained fingernail into the woods, then slowly continued to do the same to all of Ryan's nails. 

When the last nail came loose, Anti shot Dark an approving look but Dark just shrugged.  Anti rolled his eyes muttering to himself.  "Not good enough, huh. Fine".  Dark leaned in over Anti's shoulder, materializing a bowie knife in his hand and holding out for Anti, whispering excitedly.  "I thought you were hungry"?  Anti's eyes locked onto his, while feeling Anti take the knife from his hand.  Staying close behind Anti, Dark watched over Anti's shoulder.  Anti turned his gaze back to Ryan's body, tracing the tip of the steel blade lightly over the creases in Ryan's fleshy torso.  Eventually stopping the blade tip at the base of Ryan's ribcage.  Casually, Anti began to tell Dark smugly.  "The trick is to cut into the skin without piercing any of the organs. Keeps your victim alive through the process".  Very carefully, Anti cut into the flesh like a professional and sliced right down to Ryan's belly button in a swift clean sweep.  Dark watched the blood start to redden the cut made and grinned.  Anti then casually held up the bloody knife before him, asking him devilishly.  "Wanna lick the batter"?  Dark grabbed Anti's wrist firmly, bringing his hand closer to make a show of sliding his tongue up along the bloody knife.  The sharp edge of the blade sliced his own wet tongue, but he didn't care.  Dark's eyes were on Anti's.  Anti waited for Dark lick up along the blade, watching as the blade bit into Dark's tongue.  Dark's blood was so dark it was almost black.

Dark's grip on his wrist loosened and Anti pressed the flat of the knife against Dark's cheek.  Slowly turning Dark's face enough to lean in and kiss him.  Dark's hand slide down Anti's wrist, his arm, and up along his shoulder to grab Anti's throat tightly.  Anti smirked against Dark's lips, feeling Dark's fingers curl around his throat.  He loved the idea of Dark trying to control him.  Brushing his lips across Dark's teasingly, Anti focused on sending a strong electrical current through his lips.  Dark jerked back in surprise, before leaning back in and telling him Darkly with a small smile.  "Do that again".  Dark attacked his lips hungrily and Anti upped the voltage.  Dark aggressively kissed Anti's lips feeling his lips tingle and burn from the connection of their lips.  The more Anti shocked him, the more Dark discovered that he loved it.  Maybe Anti was right.  Maybe he did absorb energy like a void to increase his own power.  If that was true... then that made Anti his own personal battery.  Dark could kiss Anti forever, but the sharp pinch of a blade tip pressed against the underside of his jaw.  Forcing him to break away from the kiss.  Anti playfully twisted the blade tip, telling him teasingly.  "I haven't finished my dinner to indulge in dessert yet".  Dark flashed Anti a lusty grin, answering lasciviously.  "You started it". 

Anti set the knife aside and it disintegrated back into a wispy shadow.  Returning his gaze back to Ryan and slipping his fingers into the warm bloody folds of his stomach.  Anti stared into Ryan's frightened eyes, searching through his organs carefully, while telling Ryan softly.  "Did you know that the human body can live without a few organs? Shall I show you? Of course without morphine, this will hurt A LOT".  Anti's fingers slid over an organ he was looking for and sought out the tubes that attached it in place.  Touching the small tube, he tapped it with his finger both frying the soft tube with an electric zap and cauterizing it off at the same time.  Ryan's head tilted back in agony, but not a sound left him.  Just more tears.  Anti carefully pulled the kidney out of Ryan's body.  Holding it up enough for both Ryan and Dark to see, Anti electrocuted the kidney until it could be considered cooked.  Then with a smug smile, Anti brought it to his lips, sinking his teeth into it.  Medium rare.  Just the way Anti liked it.  Dark licked his lips hungrily seeing Ryan's fresh blood run down Anti's bare arm.  While Anti chewed, Dark leaned in to lick the blood off Anti's arm.  Anti smirked at him from the corner of his eye, offering the rest of the kidney to him.  However, Dark shook his head and continued to lick the blood off Anti's pale skin.  Dark preferred his meat raw and bloody.  To Be Continued...                                          

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