Part 10

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Anti clenched his teeth, groaned into the mattress.  His fingers clawing into the fabric like a wild animal.  He could feel the warm blood spilling down from his shoulder, watching as it turned the white blanket a bright scarlet.  Anti tried to push himself up on all fours, but Dark took hold of his wrists.  Yanking them roughly behind Anti's back to pin them there.  Dark sat back, pulling his blood red tie from his neck and using it to firmly tie Anti's wrists together.  With a smile, Dark grabbed Anti's bound writs and yanked him up against his chest.  Anti turned to stare at him with his good eye, snapping back through clenched teeth.  "And here I thought you were going to be boring".  Dark held Anti's wrist, sneaking his other hand around through Anti's blind spot.  Clamping his hand tightly over Anti's mouth and pulling him closer.  Anti squirmed and jerked, but Dark had him too tightly. 

Dark licked the bleeding bite he had made in Anti's shoulder, before whispering against his pointed ear.  "I'm not a talker in bed. Nor do I like my victims that way. Scream and struggle all you want, but...".  Anti had a brief feeling he should escape from Dark's grip, but curiosity got the better of him.  So, he fell victim to Dark's commanding voice.  "You won't be teleporting away from me anymore. You belong to me".  Dark's words crept into Anti's core like a snake.  Coiling tightly around his essence and binding him to him... body and blackened soul.  Anti wanted to curse, but Dark's hand was still possessively over his mouth.  He struggled hard against Dark's grip in retaliation.  How could he have fallen for that?!  The soft green static sparking off Anti became wild and aggressive.  Crackling through the air like tiny bolts of lightening!  Dark chuckled behind him, asking smugly.  "What's wrong, Anti? You seem displeased".  Anti settled down.  Dark was too strong and without his ability to teleport away... Dark had won this round.

Dark's grip on Anti's mouth loosened and Anti quickly bit into Dark's fingers!  Dark hissed loudly, and Anti sank his teeth in deeper.  Dark tried to pry his hand from Anti's mouth, but Anti was like a pitbull!  Once he bit down, only he could get it off!  Anti could taste Dark's blood spilling into his mouth.  Could feel his teeth starting to clamp down on the bone.  He wanted to crush it between his teeth!  As an extra measure, Anti blared static to block out any chance of Dark trying to command him out of it.  Dark groaned softly, pulling Anti back against himself and pulling a knife from under his pant leg with his free hand.  Pressing the point against Anti's cheek, Dark waited as Anti stopped emanating static and released his hand.  Dark teasingly twirled the point against Anti's cheek, telling him sternly.  "You don't bite the hand the feeds you, Anti. You want to loose the other one"? 

Anti flashed Dark a devilish grin, ignoring the blade point pressed to his cheek as he shot back defiantly.  "Who feeds who, Dark? You think because you own me that you can control me"?  Anti kept his eyes locked on Dark's, meanwhile he shifted his heel in his shoe releasing a blade.  With a short flicker of a smile, Anti fell forward and kicked his heel up between Dark's legs.  Dark slowly leaned forward clearly in intense agony, only because his muscles were flexed tight and his eyes and mouth were clamped shut.  Anti yanked his foot down, revealing the small bloody blade and quickly rolling away onto his back.  Before Dark could recover, Anti raised his leg and brought the hidden shoe blade down into Dark's shoulder!  Dark jerked, a deep growling groan escaping his clenched teeth.  Grabbing Anti's ankle, Dark repaid the favor by thrusting his fist into Anti's groin.  Anti curled up, a high pitched squeal bursting from his throat.  Anti's pitch shattered the windows and set off a few car alarms off outside. 

Dragging Anti closer to him by his ankle, Dark growled out aggressively.  "If that had been permanent, I would have been VERY upset"!  Anti turned to look up at Dark, spitting blood at his face.  Dark didn't even flinch, but Anti knew he'd close his eyes for just long enough.  Twisting around, Anti wrapped his legs around Dark's neck and yanked him down to the mattress.  He couldn't kill Dark... but he'd knock him out and try!  Dark stiffened as he felt Anti's legs tighten around his neck, but Anti had forgotten about the knife he had and Anti wouldn't be able to block it.  Quickly switching the blade to his other hand, he jammed it between Anti's ribs!  Anti fell back against the bed, his legs loosening up.  With his wrists bound, he couldn't block it or pull it out.  Dark climbed out from between his legs, and Anti began to cough up blood.  Dark straightened up, yanking the blade roughly from Anti's side as he snapped out loudly.  "Ready to surrender yet"?

Anti spit more blood across the blanket, dryly shooting back with a smile.  "Are you"?  Anti didn't wait for an answer as he kicked out at Dark's face, knocking him back across the mattress.  Then quickly rolling onto his side, Anti kicked the back of his heel into Dark's stomach, sinking the blade deep.  Anti tried to drag the blade down the scar Dark had, but Dark grabbed hold of his foot again.  Only this time, Dark pushed Anti's foot away until the blade came out.  Then twisted Anti's leg, until Anti had no choose but to flip onto his stomach or suffer a broken leg.  Quickly, Dark dropped overtop of him to pin him down.  Anti chuckled as he took in the state of the room.  There was blood splattered everywhere.  The bed was one big bloody crime scene.  Dark jammed his knife under the hem of Anti's jeans and sliced the sides open.  Anti winced as the blade cut into his hips, so he waited for Dark to lower back down over him... and then clawed at wound on Dark's stomach!  Dark stabbed the knife into the mattress beside Anti's  head, just a minute or two before he forced his hard dick into Anti's ass.

Anti clenched his teeth, groaning out in slight pain.  Dark had definitely tore him, but he liked it.  Even when Dark's powerful thrusts shifted his shoulder up against the knife plunged into the mattress, slicing into his shoulder deeper and deeper.  Anti loved the pain.  He understood pain... and Dark knew just how to hurt him.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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