Part 4

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Anti didn't struggle against the shadowy tentacles that restrained him to the tree.  He wasn't afraid of Dark.  The tip of the shiny steel bowie knife slowly traced over the scar along his neck.  Anti didn't have to guess what Dark planned to do.  Tilting his head back, Anti bared his throat for Dark.  A smirk tugged at the corner of Dark's lip as he pressed the tip of the knife into the soft flesh of Anti's throat, right at the start of his scar.  Anti closed his eyes and relaxed back against the tree.  He loved the feeling of the cool steel sharply pinching its way across his warm skin.  Feeling his own warm blood trick down his neck.  Anti enjoyed pain.  It excited him and made him feel alive.  Dark slide the blade across the length of Anti's scar and quickly leaned in to drink every drop that began to trickle out.  The taste of Anti's blood was unbelievable.  It didn't just taste coppery... it tingled and hummed.  Drinking his blood was like drinking in pure energy.  Dark had to pause a moment to let his body adjust to the sudden surge of power that had amped up inside him.  He could feel Anti's blood tingle throughout his limbs.  Anti grinned seeing Dark's reaction.  Struggling to breathe, Anti's voice sounded worn and distant as he asked Dark curiously.  "You...feel...better"?  Dark casually lifted his shirt to reveal his wounded side.  Although, he wasn't wounded now.  His skin was all healed over. 

Dark lowered his shirt and leaned back in to press his blood stained lips against Anti's.  Grabbing Anti's throat firmly, Dark took full control of the kiss.  Biting Anti's lower lip till it bled and whispering darkly to him as their lips brushed teasingly.  "I could eat you up".  Anti chuckled and vanished.  Dark barely caught himself before falling into the tree.  Whipping around, Dark saw Anti casually standing over by a paralyzed Ryan.  Anti shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweater, shrugging at Dark's confused look, before lightly telling him.  "You didn't really think your shadowy tentacles could really hold me, did you? I was merely allowing 'your' antics".  Dark smiled to himself, pushing off from the tree as he answered quite amused.  "You're just full of tricks, aren't you. Alright. I'll bite. What do you want to do"?  Anti nudged Ryan's limp body with his foot, telling Dark with a wicked grin.  "You still want to see me get my hands dirty"?  Dark slide his tongue over his lips hungrily, still tasting Anti's blood as he answered in a voice that hinted to a challenge.  "I would".  Anti nodded, then nudged Ryan's body again with his foot, telling Dark.  "You're the muscle. Let's take him farther into the woods before someone sees".  Dark watched Anti casually walk passed him, spotting Anti's neck heal back to the same scar from before.  If it wasn't for the fact that he still had dark blood lining his throat, Dark wouldn't have thought he'd cut his throat at all.  Puffing up his chest, Dark strolled over to lift Ryan over his shoulder, grumbling back to Anti.  "Ya, don't want anyone to see us kill a man.  When he got a nice car crash scene going on.  They won't look into that".

Dark shot a glare at Anti's back as he continued to casually stroll into the woods.  Anti simply responded to Dark's grumbling by removing a hand from his pocket and snapping his fingers.  Dark hefted Ryan more comfortably over his shoulder, snorting at Anti's seemingly useless response... but when he glanced back at the crashed car and Matt's dead body.... they were gone.  Staring perplexed, Dark heard Anti call over his shoulder carelessly.  "That should hold until we get back. Try not to fall behind, Dark".  Another illusion.  Dark chuckled shaking his head.  Anti certainly could put the best magicians to shame.  Anti was about to turn around to check on Dark, when the shadows beside him morphed into Darkiplier.  Dark shot him a glare, telling Anti seriously.  "Try to keep up, Anti".  Anti continued to stroll casually through the woods as Dark dissipated into the shadows and reappeared farther ahead.  Shrugging to himself, Anti rolled his eyes.  Dark wanted to challenge his speed?  Really?  Anti continued to casually walk, but let his body seep into the energies around him.  Drawing power from the very plants and trees.  Then vanished faster then the speed of light. 

Dark stopped cold.  He had felt Anti in the shadows far behind him and then he was gone.  Turning around, Dark expanded the darkness searching for him.  How did he manage to escape when his shadows were all over these woods?  Dark jerked as he sudden felt something appear behind him.  Turning around to face a grinning Anti, Dark scowled back.  Dropping Ryan to the ground, Dark bitterly asked.  "How did you manage that trick"?  Anti shrugged innocently, casually answering.  "You thought without electricity, I'd be weak. You're wrong. All life is consisted of energy. I can tap into things that could blow your mind. I can even tap into you".  Dark's eyes narrowed in doubt, asking curiously.  "Prove it".  Anti took a challenging step forward, answering in a voice of jumbled static.  "I was hoping you'd say that".  Dark stood still unfazed, locking his eyes on Anti's bright green irises against a sea of shiny black.  Suddenly Dark's vision blurred and when it cleared he was standing alone in the woods.  Dark couldn't feel Anti's presence in the woods again.  Then he felt a strange numbing in his arm.  It was making it harder for him to fist his hand or even move his arm.  Then his hand jerked and grabbed his own throat tightly.

Dark stayed still feeling his own fingers curl around his throat.  Smiling slightly, Dark said out loud.  "This how you got Jack to slit his own throat"?  The grip on his throat loosened and Dark felt a shiver run down his spine as his vision blurred again.  Only this time Anti was kneeling on the ground before him panting hard.  Before he could ask, Anti panted out.  "It was... although it would seem that to try and control even a part of you is exhausting. You're insides are like a damn void... it just absorbs any energy and harnesses it for your own power.  Shite...".  Dark kneeled down to position Ryan onto his back, while asking Anti casually.  "Probably best you didn't do that again. If what you say is true, then I just might absorb you completely. Will you recover"?  Anti nodded, his body shaking from exhaustion.  It had taken him most of his own strength just to escape Dark... but now that he was out his body could regain its lost energy from his surroundings.  Anti finally understood why Dark had survived his lightening punch... His body just absorbed it!  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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