This Dick

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The guy who's forehead was bleeding walked back into the room as Tony whispered something under his breath.

"God not this dick" Tony mumbled in a low growl. I looked back at the male as he walked over to Tony and glared at him.

"Hi my name is..." Trying to speak, but getting cut off by the male.

"Zian. I know." He spoke like he knew everything. He had a smug look on his face. 

He kinda reminded me of one of those girls from "Mean Girls"

"Okay" I said a little confused and unconformable. Tony rolled his eyes and handed Kyran to me. Tony got into the guys face and smirk.

"what are you doing Tony" the male spoke uneasy. Before he could say anything else Tony grabbed his waist pulling him closer.

"Oh I think you know Blake" Tony said putting his thumb on his bottom lip. Blake's face was bright red and he was shaking. At this point I didn't know how far this was gonna go. Kyran started to move in my arms. She stretched out her wings and flew out of my arms turning back into a human form.

"Hey so what'd I miss" Kyran said stretching. I didn't say anything just pointed to Tony and Blake. Kyran quickly stretched out her wings to where I couldn't see what was going on.

"A-ah Tony we talked about this" Blake choked on his words. I wish I could see what was going on, but Kyran won't let me see.

"Come on Blake you know you like it" Tony purred. After a few Kyran finally put her wings down as I saw Blake with messed up hair. While Tony's shirt wasn't on right.

Not gonna lie Tony's fast, that is really weird for me to say.

"TONY BLAKE WHAT WERE YOU THINKING DOING THAT IN FRONT OF ZIAN" Kyran yelled as Blake jumped into Tony's arms out of fear.

"We didn't even do anything that bad" Tony laughed kissing Blake on the neck. Kyran looked pissed and it wasn't even that big of a deal.

"Won't you guys ever just get a room" Kyran said putting her hands on her hips.

"Yeah Yeah whatever princess" Blake said with a sway of his hips. Kyran walked out of the room passed them, kicking Blake in the shin on the way out.

"Ow that hurt" Blake whined as Tony walked over to me. I looked at him in confusion. I still can't get something off my mind. Why I'm here? He never told me why and I don't think he plans to.

"Tony when can I go home" I asked a little shyly. Tony tilted his head to the side with a frown on his face.

"Why do you want to go back there" Tony asked crossing his arms.

"I don't know I mean I have school still" I said as Tony face went blank. He forgot I was a student. wow.

"You forgot didn't you" I said already knowing the answer. Tony blushed scratching the back of his head.

"Alright fine I'll take you home, But you have to meet me at the tree everyday after school" Tony said putting his hand on his hip. I nodded as he looked back at Blake and winked. Tony grabbed my waist as the black smoke appeared. With the snap of his fingers we were in my room.

"Nice place" Tony spoke looking around. I shrugged not thinking it was that cool. I flopped down on my bed letting out a big sigh. Finally I'm home laying on my own bed. This is the life.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow Zian" He said snapping his fingers. In that moment I realized what had just happened.

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