The Dungeon

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Okay so you might be wondering what happened in the last part. Well to put it simple my brother, Tony, kidnapped me. And where I am, that is what you're about to find out.

I woke up in a room unfamiliar to me. I looked around to see if anyone was in the room with me before I got up. Feeling my pockets and belt loop, I realized I didn't have my scythe.

"Looking for this" a familiar voice spoke. Tony was standing in the door way holding my scythe in his hand.

"Yeah I am now give it back" I said with a growl. Tony smirked as he hooked my scythe to his belt.

"Now now I wouldn't want you trying to attack me" He said putting his index finger over his mouth. I stood there not having anything to say to him.

"What cat got your tongue?" He asked sticking out his tongue. He walked over to me and smiled. Tony grabbed my chin lifting my face to look at his.

"Now be a good little boy and do as I say and no one will get hurt" He spoke softly. His face was inches from mine making me feel uncomfortable.

"Have you ever heard of personal space?" I asked pushing him away from me. He frowned at my actions before grabbing a hand full of my hair.

"That's no way to treat your brother, Zian" he said pulling my hair while looking into my eyes. He let me go as I fell to my knees.

"Where are we?" I asked thinking that should have been the first question to ask. Tony walked to the door and stops.

"You're in the no eyes dungeon chamber" he spoke not turning around. Tony left the room shutting the door behind him. No Eyes dungeon? why am I here? I had so many questions, but I knew none of them would be answered. I sat down on the bed and rubbed my head.

"man that really hurt" I said to myself. I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Before I knew it I had passed out. I woke up a couple hours later hearing a knock on my door. I sat up just as a man I had never seen before walked into the room. He had blue skin and his arms had blue stripes on them. His hair was shaved on the sides and he had hair in the middle of his face. His hair was shaped like a Mohawk, but looked more like antennae going all the way down his head.

"Are you all right?" The man asked me. I nodded at his question not knowing if I should speak.

"My name is Tyler I'm a member of the No Eyes organization" He spoke in a kind tone. He looked down at the floor then back at me.

"I know Tony can be a bit harsh, but I assure you he's not as bad as you think" Tyler said starring at me with his pitch black eyes. Tyler reached into his bag and pulled out a box. He walked over to me holding the box out to me.

"this is a present from Tony to you" He spoke as I took the present.

"Uh thank you?" I said confused a little. Tyler waved and rushed out the door. I looked down at the box in my hand which was bright red with yellow ribbon wrapped around it. I pulled off the ribbon and ripped open the box. I opened the box only to find a note. The note read,

Dear Zian,

I am sorry for how I was earlier and I hope you'll soon forgive me. I want you to have this back, but know that even if you try you can't escape. Love Tony

I set the note aside as I looked back in the box. Inside was my scythe and a necklace. A necklace that had a black eye with a white pupil attached to it. I put my scythe on my belt and put the necklace around my neck as I stood up.

"He has no idea who he's messing with"

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