The Pillow Fluff

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Now you're probably thinking I'm going to sigh and wish that Jenn was my girlfriend, but no you're wrong, she only wishes. I'm not into the whole dating thing, ew. No, but I am pretty lazy.

As I was laying down on my bed, I thought,"man I am starving, but dad's probably just standing down there plotting his punishment for me while he tries to figure out if I left."
"Oh well, I'll just wait till tomorrow," I said to myself as I drifted off to sleep. The next morning I woke up with my pillow practically glued to my face. I had to wake my dad up and have him pry the pillow off my face. I should probably stop sleeping with my mouth open.

If you're confused, I drool a lot and so yeah.

Breakfast was kind of awkward trying to eat, but everyone's staring at the pillow fluff on my cheek. I leave for school at 8:00am because school doesn't exactly start till 9:00am, but Jenn likes to walk to school with me, so we wait at her house until we have to go. School was more awkward than breakfast. That darn pillow fluff was still on my face and wouldn't come off. Jenn tried to remove it before we left, but that led to pain. I guess the saying is true, beauty is pain and pain is pillow fluff.
Bla bla bla, classes, school, homework, bla bla, yay lunchtime. Now Jenn is my best friend, but she's not my only friend. There's Sora, Lee, and Luna. Now Sora was a ghost, Lee was a werewolf and Luna was a vampire or so she says. I guess you could call us losers. Luna was like Jenn's other half, no really they're like twins. They act some what similar, but they just look different. Lee and Sora don't exactly like each other and I'm a pretty funny guy, like now.
"Hey Sora wanna hear a ghost pun?" I asked Sora sitting down next to him.
"Sure it's not like I can stop you," Sora sighed as he laid his head on his hand.
"That's the spirit," I said giggling to myself. That is until Luna, who happen to be sitting next to me, straight up punched me. Man her punches hurt even if she's a girl. No Thanks to her vampire strength she punches HARD.

"What was that for, that hurt, " I asked while rubbing my arm.
"Awe did I hurt you. You are acting pretty Grim today arnt you Zian?" She said with a proud smirk on her face.
"Well arnt you funny," I said getting up to get a drink. Our schools cafeteria isn't like any normal lunch room. Instead we have a cafe. There are so many energy drinks. Good thing I have a good allowance. I sat back down as I drank my "Ooos". When I put my drink down everyone was looking at me except Jenn. Who was looking anywhere, but at me and she was trying not to laugh? I think. Then I remembered. The PILLOW FLUFF. I pulled my hood over my head, trying to hide my embarrassment as I laid my head down on the table. I was wearing the hoodie my dad gave me, which was a reapers hoodie. My hoodie looked like an elfs hat only longer. Everytime Luna had a chance she liked to play with the hood. I don't mind it that much, but when someone else does it, except Jenn, I get pretty mad. I guess you could say I like Luna, but like I said I'm not into the whole dating stuff. I mean if she were to ask me out I totally wouldn't say no or anything. Don't tell her I said that. Ugh. When lunch ended I went back to class bla bla bla. RING RING RING.
I met Jenn at her locker. Man she's so girly yet still Tom boyish, but she takes so looong at her locker.
"Come on already I Wana go to the Ice Cream Cafe," I said poking Jenn until she shut her locker.
"All right I'm done let's go. Nerd." She said grabbing my arm, pulling me along.

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