Finish the Fight

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There was no mistaking the resemblance of me and him. I never realized it until now, when we were fighting to the death. I was going to kill my biological father. He loaded his bow quickly shooting three arrows at a time. Considering I've never used my wings I was moving very well on them. Zooming across the sky swinging my scythe at Valentine.

"Your moving quickly Zian, I don't know if I can keep up" Valentine said sarcastically while shooting his last arrow at me. I smile while he reached for more. When he noticed he was out the fear on his face made me smile. I swung at him only to be knocked back losing my balance. Confused, I looked up and saw the bow he had been using was now converted into some sort of sword.

"Hows that for some competition?" Valentine laughed and pointed his sword at me. I flew at him as we locked into a blocking battle of death. If I were to miscalculate one move it would be the end for me. I was aiming for his wings trying to knock him off balance.

"Why won't you die already. I never knew about you and I wish it would have stayed that way!" I yelled while swinging my blade with so much force. Valentine prepared to block the blow, but it was so strong it knocked the sword out of his hands. We both stopped and watched as the sword fell all the way to the ground. Valentine quickly looked at me and I knew what he was thinking. I started flying down as fast as I could, Valentine right next to me.

"You can never beat me Zian no matter how much you try" Valentine said flying down faster. I was never going to be able to get to the ground before him. I thought for a moment before yelling.

"Except there's one thing you forgot about me Valentine!" He looked back behind him at me.

"And what would that be?" He yelled back at me. I snapped my fingers as black smoke appeared. Before he could figure it out I was on his back.

"You forgot I'm half demon!" I gripped onto his wing and held my scythe up to the base of his wing.

"You wouldn't dare" he spoke in a growl. I smiled.

"Try me" I said as I flung my blade across his back. Valentine screamed in pain. Feathers and blood flew everywhere as we hit the ground. I managed to grab his sword as I stood above him.

"Please Zian don't do this. Please I can help you I swear!" Valentine scrambled to get to his feet, but I stabbed his sword into his other wing.

"You can't help anyone with one wing" I blankly stared at him as he cried for forgiveness. I held up my scythe and swung it above my head.

"Maybe God will forgive you for your sins" I spoke quietly swinging my scythe down into his chest. Blood splattered everywhere as I did this repeatedly. I wiped the blood off my face as I ripped his sword from his wing.

"Wow I didn't know you could be so brutal" a deep voice spoke from behind me. I turned around to a giant figure draped in a black cloak. The figure removed their hood as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"DAD!" I yelled running up and hugging him. He hugged me back as he smiled.

"Your fight isn't over yet take the bow sword and gather up the arrows. And finish this fight" he spoke. I turned around to look at Valentine, but when I looked back my dad was gone.

"I'll do it for you dad" I said as I picked up the arrows and made my way to my next location.

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