Little Swim

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I sneezed making myself noticed as I spoke those words of wisdom.

"Fuck Me" I said as Blake waved to whoever he was talking to and turned around. He walked towards the corner where I was pressed against the wall.

"Zian what are you doing?" Blake asked towering over me. I haven't been this close to Blake before, and I'm starting to get uncomfortable.

"I uh...door cracked. Kyran." I said spitting out random words. Blake stood there with a smile on his face.

"What why are you smiling" I asked offended. Blake was still smiling before he started to laugh.

"You're really cute Zian" Blake said leaning down to get closer to my face.

God is there any guy who's not gay here. Im gonna be gay if I stay here any longer.

Blake was inches away from my lips and was looking into my eyes. A hot wave of blush covered my face as I pushed him away.

"Personal space" I whispered yelled as I covered my face. Blake then picked me up, his hands on my thighs. I grabbed onto him, putting my face on his chest when he started to run.

"Where are we going Blake" my words muffled into his chest. Blake didn't say anything he only held onto me tighter. How big is this place we've been running forever. Blake finally stopped and I looked up. We were at a little lake as Blake put me down.

"You coming in?" Blake asked as he started taking his clothes off. I covered my eyes, but peeked at the sight. I uncovered my eyes as I saw Blake in the water with a dark purple tail and fins.

"Well come on" Blake yelled waving at me. I sighed and started taking my clothes off, keeping my underwear on. I jumped into the lake making a splash.

"It's great isnt it?" Blake asked me as he swam closer to me.

"It is actually" I said blushing with a smile on my face. I looked down at the water seeing Blake's dark purple tail move slowly. Hours had gone by fast and it soon became dark.

"Hey Blake we should probably get going" I said turning to Blake who's eye glowed in the dark.

"Alright let's go I guess" Blake responded as he dragged himself out of the water. As his legs came back he stood up and everything was showing. I covered my face again as Blake got dressed.

"Hey are you going to put your clothes on or not" Blake said as I looked over at my clothes.

"You've got to be kidding me" I grabbed my clothes and they were soaked from the water. Blake walked over to me and picked me up again.  By the time we got back to the mansion my clothes were dry and I quickly got dressed.

"Awe you put your clothes back on. You look better without them" Blake said jokingly. He was about to open the back door to the mansion when Tony swung it open.

"Where have you been and why isn't Zian in his room?" Tony asked us surprisingly calmly. Me and Blake just looked at each other then back at Tony.

"Well Zian seemed bored just sitting in his room so I took him for a swim." Blake said looking at Tony. Tony looked at me and back at Blake.

"Ok fine I believe you. Next time tell me where your going Blake." Blake nodded as Tony walked back inside. Me and Blake followed inside. We walked back to my room Blake had gone back to his and it was just me and Tony. As he was about to put me back in the room I saw the door from earlier again.

"Hey Tony?" Tony turned around and looked at me.

"Yes?" Tony's voice had an annoyed tone to it.

"Who's in that room. Across from mine?" I asked hopeing he wouldn't get mad at me for asking. Tony stopped for a minute before looking at the door. He quickly looked away as a wave of sickness came over me. Everything was getting blurry and dark and before I knew it I was on the floor.

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