Chapter 2

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WAIT! There is a freakin' moving truck in the drive way! what the heck is going on!

I stepped inside to see my "mother" and "father" standing there talking about something. "whats going on???" i screamed in anger not expectng a response when i turned around to go up stairs.

"we're moving." my mom stated with no emotion. WAIT DID SHE JUST TALK TO ME!

"why? and where are we moving?" i asked feeling the tears formng.

"Englnd" my father spoke bluntly.

"what the hell! why are we moving to England when i'm in the middle of senior year? oh wait 'cause you hate me and you always had and now your making me move to England on the other side of the world away from the people who care about me!" i guess i just let it out even suprising me a lttle but since we are talking i might as well share a litte about my feeling. They both looked at me shocked like they had no idea. " why are you looking at me like that because i said what i feel about the move or what i said about you?"

My mother cleared her throat and spoke " we are moving to England because i got a job there and maybe we can start over and try to become a family i am terribly sorry for holding this grudge against you but, your father and i were never expecting a second child so i guess we chose to ignore that we had one." she gave me half a smile and turned away like the conversation was over. God was i so freakin' pissed at her right now! how did that just come out of her mouth?

"no i am not restarting our family! You have never cared about me and i had no idea why because no one ever freakin' talked to me and now that your moving me across the world your going to decide to treat me like a person and talk to it's going to take alot more than thatand i don't think i can even forgive you after all these years but i guess i'm moving to England 'cause i have no where else to go." i yelled with tears pouring down my face. "when are we even oving?"

"tomorrow at 10 am" my father aid still shock about my outburst.

"huh " with that i went up stairs and got ready fro the that was at 7.


Finally it was almost time for the party and Dylan would be here soon. How am i going to tell him this.....heck how am i going to tell Jason this he is like the closest thing to family i have. i was ready in thi out fit. I was wearing dark black ripped jeans, black and red heel sneakers, a tight black laced top, a black leather jacket. red lipstick, red bow, red scarf and a red wallet.

The car ride was silent because i knew if i spoke i might cry but, Dylan broke it."whats wrong babe your not usally this quiet?"

i took a deep breath and just said it "i'm moving" i starte to tear.

"it's okay we can still see each other and talk and go out on the week ends and-"

"D-Dylan i-i'm moving to E-England"i  said crying. his fas dropped with in seconds.

"WHAT?!?! how? why?you can't i love you please stay here please." My heart stopped he loved me wow that just made this move 10x's harder.

" i love you too and i don't want to move but my mom's worki over there." i sighed "can we still go to the party so i can have one last night to be with my friends?" he shook hi head yes and we arrived.


i told Ashley and she couldn't even think she made sure i had a skype and that we would be able to stay in touch.

Then i told Jason and he broke down crying and also got my skype and made sure we would stay in touch and make time to visit each other. And we continued to party and have fun the last night before my life changed forever.


WoW! can you believe she is moving????

Anyays Here is some good news.........

Harry will be in the next chapter or the chapter after so keep reading i will update tomorrow :)!

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