Chapter 21

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Spencer's P.O.V.

So, me, Drew and Caitlyn left the shop to go to her flat and Liam went to go to Harry and see what happened. I hope Liam can talk some sense into him since, Liam is the sensible one kinda' like Cait. We were walking home just talking about the stupidest things but, this was normal. So, we finally arrived at Caitlyn's flat. We walked in and I saw some of Liam's things.....guess he lives here to Go Cait!

We were sitting down on the couch and Drew put his arm comfortably around me. Then, this huge Light  burst through Caitlyn's apartment and Trinity arrived.

"OMG! I'm so glad your here I really need you!" I said running to her.

"I know that's why i'm here!" she said. She looks so pretty as a ghost. She has sparkling skin and a white light around her. I was so happy she was here! Caitlyn walked in screaming Trinity and ran up to her too.

"Hey Trin." Drew stated with a wave. She smiled and then looked at me.

"Look Spence no need to explain I saw and heard all about it up there! i'm here to comfort you and I have some really important news!" she paused and we all looked at her wide eyed. "Okay so, I know why just you people can see me and each of you have a different reason. Caitlyn you can see me because we have tis huge bond because we have known eachother for ever! Spencer you can see me because there is this thing about Harry which is this and he has something he isn't telling you which I will find out. Drew you can see me because some type of trouble is going to happen and I will be there and you need to protect Spencer." She stated.

"Okay so, what kind of trouble?" Drew asked.

"If I knew I would tell you...but, I don't and it has to do with Harry too. But there are others that I don't know about so, we will find out." she stated. What the heck is going on? Is this even real life it's like we are special, we can see a ghost, there is an unknown problem coming and there is something that me her and Drew have to do. Great!

"Oh and there is this thing.....All three of you are going to get some type of gift. Look I don't know what type of gift but, it's some type of power you will need to use." she looked just as confused as the rest of us.

"What the hell? this is like one of those super natural movies and now we get some type of power?" I stated.

"Look I learned a lot up there and we were all chosen for this since the start of our lives to come together....there is some weird things I found out up there. Like Vampires, witches and werewolves all exist." She said kind of laughing because how stupid this sounds. It sounded really stupid but, I guess if ghosts exist all of them things do too. We just talked about this whole situation that no one knows why it's happening but, Harry knows something and we don't know what. It was finally time for Trin to leave but, she said she is going to come around more since this whole thing is so close.

Liam's P.O.V.

 I was walking over to Harry's and I was wondering how I would say this to him. I mean I can't just come out and say 'Harry you screwed up and are a terrible person why the hell did you cheat on Spencer' but I couldn't be calm cause I wanted him to know it wasn't okay and that Spencer is hurt. Well, I guess I had to decide now because I just got to Harry's. Why do I have to be the reasonable one?

"Haz?" I said walking through his front door. I saw him on the couch really into thought. Okay I know what i'm going to do. I walked up to him and sat next to him. I was going to be start calm end calm and then a little mad in between. "Harry tell me what happened with Spencer." I said calmly.

"Liam I really, really don't know." he paused and I gave him a 'really' look. " No Liam I really don't know I got out of work late and went to the bar and I lost track then, the next thing I know there is some blonde half dresses next to me." he said and I could see in his eyes he was telling the truth.

"look Harry I believe you but, Spencer is really hurt. especially with the whole Dylan thing. I don't know if she could forgive you!" I told him with all the sincere I had in my heart.

"Okay Thank Liam." he stated. I gave him a smile and went to my room. Oh god.....

Harry's P.O.V.

I don't know what to do about Spencer. I know I really hurt her and I can't believe I did. I really understand if she hates me. I really have no Idea what came over me. I don't even think I was that drunk and I have never been that drunk that I forget things like this! I walked into my bedroom and lay down. Then, as I was falling asleep I felt my phone buzz.


Me and Drew are sleeping at Caitlyn's. Don't really want to see you tonight.

I really messed up. I decided not to respond. I swear if she leaves me for Drew I will kill him.

Spencer's P.O.V.

We were all sleeping in the living room. I was in the middle with Drew on my right and Caitlyn on my left. They were both sleeping but, I couldn't stop thinking about Trinity and this whole gift thing. I mean would you believe her? Well, I guess it makes sense for me because... well, I talk to a ghost! I finally fell asleep.

I woke up around 3 in the morning gasping for air and I saw Drew and Cait doing the same thing.

"What's going on?" I questioned. Then, a bright light came shooting at all three of us. It shot into me and I felt like I was energized. We all fell back with the impact and the light went into us. What is going on.

"What was that?" Drew said with concern.

"Our Gifts." Caitlyn said but, her eyes were no color and just had black and her voice was deep.

"To use your powers simply use them  Spencer you have the power to shield yourself and move things with your minds. Drew you have the power to kill or hurt someone instantly for a purpose. And Caitlyn has the power to freeze time and time travel. You can use these powers on anyone except each other and you can help each other with them." with that Caitlyn went back to normal and said:

"Wow I'm a time traveler and can freeze time!" typical Cait! Me and Drew Smirked. This would be fun!


Hope you loved it! I got some super natural in there so it can put a spin on things! Updating tomorrow hopefully! 

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