Chapter 23

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Harry's P.O.V.

It was weird that Spencer wasn't more shocked than i thought she would be. i mean i just told her i was a Vampire and she acted like it was normal. We were still sitting on the like we were before. I decided to ask her if she was comfortable about this situation.

" Hey are you okay with this whole thing i mean it's kinda' weird." i told her.

"Yes Harry i'm fine as long as you don't kill me." She joked but, i didn't laugh. She had no idea how good she smelt to me and she came across like she wasn't afraid. My hunger was growing because i hadn't eaten since this morning. I was trying to get my mind off of things but, it was hard with sitting right next to Spencer. what did she have O+ i mean that's like the best blood to drink. Yes, i did some research! i Shifted so, i wasn't sitting so close.

Spencer's P.O.V.

Harry was shifting uncomfortable next to me. I looked over to see his eyes were bright red. I got alittle nervous because right now my O+ blood probably smelt really good to him.

"Harryy.....Are you okay?" i said really slowly. He shook his head and stood up.

"Spencer i don't know if you can stay your-"

"Harry i'm not leaving." i stated i wasn't scared because i could build a shield around my self.

"Spencer you don't know how-"

"No! Harry you need to come over this. i'm not leaving!" i stated he need to learn how to be around humans with out killing them.

I could see him get angry and then he looked like he was going to come at me.

"Spencer you should have left." He growled as his eyes got darker. i  never saw him get this angry.

"No!" i stated. With that he came running at me with his fangs pulling out. I shielded myself and he bounced back and hit the groung. I moved a chair behind him with my mind and flew a rope over and made it tie him to the chair with in seconds.

"What the Hell!" he said trying to get out of the rope.

Harry's P.O.V.

"What the hell!" i stated. Currently i was tied tightly to a chair that Spencer magically moved without touching them.

"Harry there is something i need to tell you." She continued. "I have powers that i got last night i can build a shield around myself which is why you couldn't reach me and i can move things with my mind." She stated.

"Is that why you weren't afraid of me?" She nodded sheepishly.

"Look i know your stronger but, as you can see i'm faster and stronger so as long as i know what your about to do i can protect myself." she stated.

"spencer i'm pretty strong."

"Harry don't argue i am much stronger and faster and i can't get hurt unlike you. i can also Protect you too." She paused and looked up at me. "Harry i don't know how to say this so i will just say it. I Can still see Trinity along with Drew and Caitlyn. they also have powers and we got them from her to protect out selves. i see why we got them because you are a vampire but, there is some problem coming that we need to fix."

"Why is Drew in this too?" i asked. he always got to be with Spencer.

"I don't know but, there is a reason. Oh and don't get on his bad side because his power is that he can kill or hurt you in a matter of seconds." She said.

"What the fuck? That's freekin' scary! I guess being a vampire is low compared to your powers. What it Caitlyn's?"

"She had a cool one she can time travel and Freeze time!" i stated He looked wowed!

"So can you untie me.?" he asked Laughing.

"Nope." i said with seriousness he almost killed me.


"I am going to get you some blood packets from the hospital i'll be back. Oh and don't try to get out because you will fail1' She stated and she was off.

this was a really messed up situation! I waited for about a half hour and then Spencer came in with about 20 blood bags!

"I got a lot! i didn't know which was you favorite so, i got 5 O+, 5 O-, 5 A/B + and 5 A/B-."

"Thanks Spence and my favorite is yours...."

"O+" she said.

Spencer's P.O.V.

I put O+ into a cup and gave it to Harry. He drank it within seconds and his eyes went back to green. I then untied him. I think i can read his mind because i knew what he was thinking. He was thinking 'why is she so great?' and 'owe those ropes really hurt she is a bitch.'

"Hey!" i said out loud. He looked at me in confusion. SHit!

"I heard you call me a bitch Harold!" i stated.

"Wait you can read minds too?" He asked in confusion and shock.

"I guess i didn't really know until i read yours because i haven't tried because i didn't know i could." i stated. hey let's try something! Maybe if i can read his mind i can send him mind messages. I tried and it didn't work but, it might on Drew and Caitlyn!

"I'm going to go and call Drew." i sated.

"Why?" harry asked.

"Because i want to talk to him-"

Just then drew walked in.

"boobear!" i stated. yes i thought of a stupid nick name for him!

"sugarpop!" he said as i hugged him. yes, his nick name for me was even worse. I laughed at out stupidness. I read Harry's mind 'What they have freakin' nick names? What the fuck- wait Spencer can read you mind .....Rainbows, lolly pops-"

"Harry i already heard and yes we do is it a problem?" he looked at me and hi face turned red.

"No." he whispered.

"Wait you an read minds too!" Drew asked. i nodded.

"Me and Cait could read minds at the café but, we can't read each others." he stated.

"Drew i want to try to see if we can send mind messages because i tried with Harry but, it didn't work."

"You tried to send me mind messages?" Harry asked. i nodded and me and Drew went into his room.

"I will send you one."

This was mine 'Drew is you can hear me shake your head' he shook him head.

"Yes it worked!" i said and hugged him.

"Now it's my turn" he looked concentrated then i heard it. it was his voice his lips just weren't moving 'if you can hear me clap your hands' i clapped. This is so cool. we went out and Harry was gone. He probably went for a jog this is a lot of stuff to take in. Drew and i decided to watch a movie. We decided on 'we are the millers' that's like the funniest movie ever!  


Hope you loved it. Sorry if it's a little confusing. i have a lot of ideas for this book.

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