Chapter 25

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Harry's P.O.V.

When Spencer told me about the whole fight thing I got really nervous. Alright let me explain.

(Flash back)

I was sitting on the couch catching up on some football(soccer) and this big bang came trough my house.

"Harold Edward Styles you have disobeyed the deal." Someone stated.

"What Deal?" I asked in confusion.

"We had a deal that there would be no more vampires and now there is you. Also your girlfriend and her friends aren't supposed to be warned and get powers from their dead friend this was supposed to be a purge and now all you have ruined it with your immortality."

He sounded angry.

"Look, I didn't choose to be a vampire and I just found out early to day that my girlfriend had these powers and she had nothing to do with this." I stated clearly angry.

" Mr. Styles we can't change the pact when the deal was made and none of this was supposed to occur. We will be back to fight within a month." and with that He was gone.

(Flash back over)

I decided not to tell Spencer about that encounter but, now she knew because it was in two fucking days! I guess I would help in this but, I really don't know what to expect.

 ~2 Days later~

Spencer's P.O.V.

Today was the day of the big fight! Over the last two days we have been preparing for all we could. Harry would practice running and strength. Drew would use his power on animals which was kinda' sad. Caitlyn tried to time travel but, she was having trouble and now she can only go to the past not the future! She was also practicing time freezing and everything would freeze except for her, me and Drew. I have been moving things a lot more with my mind and I would build shields around me and the others. I can shield others by imaging them being shielded but, it takes a lot of energy out of me.

We were all getting geared up for the fight and we went to this open field area to where they wanted us to be. We were waiting there until these people in dark purple robes came daring at us. There were about five of them. I really hoped we could take them. Trinity also was here but all she could do was make distracting voices inside their heads.

"Ahhh nice to meet you again Mr. Styles and your lovely crew." the person hissed.

they took down the hoods of their robes and they all had different colored eyes. One had purple, one had yellow, one had orange, one had red and the last one had white. Creepy.

"Lets  begin!" with that they came darting at us. I used my power and shielded myself. The guy who came t me bounced back and I grabbed a big rock with my mind and crashed it onto him. Okay then. Drew was next to me and he ripped the guy apart in two seconds. Caitlyn froze her guy and stabbed him. WAIT where did she get a knife? What ever. Then I saw Drew rip apart the other guys just as Harry ripped off his guys head. Cool!

"Well then this was different." Caitlyn said laughing a little. I swear that girl laughed at the most un funny things!

"So this was it! You guys did it great job! I will be going off now and I am no longer going to see your!" Trinity stated.

"Whyyyy." me and Caitlyn whined.

 "Because you were only able to see me because I needed  to warn you about this. Anyways I have a boyfriend up there!" she said.

"Ohhhh Trin nice you got a ghost boy friend!" Caitlyn said. With that she left. I was sad that she was gone but, I could deal with it.

We all walked back to the car and got in to go home. Drew was driving and Cait was in the passenger seat talking to Liam. I was snuggled into Harry's side and he had his arms protectively rapped around me.

"Hey what do you want to do later?" Harry asked. I thought about it and had the best idea.

"Well, I am quite tired now but, I have a good idea for tomorrow." I told him.

"Oh yeah and what would that be?" he asked and I could feel the smirk on his face.

"We should go to an amusement park!" I exclaimed.

"Sounds great to m babe." he said. Yeah so with all this stuff me, Harry and Cait all dropped out of school. Harry unfortunately still has his job with Liam and Me and Cait work part time at Starbucks which I love!

We arrived home after dropping off Caitlyn at Liam's flat for the night. Harry carried me inside bridal style because I was to tired to walk in on my own. he brought me into our room and he stripped down to his boxers and I changed into a tank-top and shorts and got into bed with Harry.

"What time do you want to get up for the amusement park?" Harry asked.

"Around 9:00 am." I stated. Liam, Caitlyn and Drew were also coming I was so excited.

"Okay love." he said and wrapped me up into a warm embrace. we fell asleep in each others arms. God did I love this boy! 


I thought this was a pretty cute chapter for Spencer and Harry!

Sorry the fight wasn't big but, I didn't really feel like writing that much!

I thought of Spencer and Harry's ship name and I think it's pretty cute it's Sperry!

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