Chapter 6

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Spencer's P.O.V.

I woke up to Harry's light breathing on my head. MY head was on his bare chest and our legs were wrapped around each others. I lay there playing with his hair I loved how his curls bounced when you pulled them. He finally woke up smiling.

"you know I don't remember falling asleep in your bed?" I asked smirking. As he returned the sarcasm.

"You know I don't remember saying you could play with my curls?" We both started laughing I can get used to this. "come on lets go make some breakfast." he said getting up when I realized he was only in boxers.

"you really don't like wearing clothes do you?" I asked cracking up.

"nope!" he said smiling proudly. We walked down stairs and got out pancake mix and Harry mixed in a bowl and started cooking them. It was a lot of fun and he even taught me how to flip them which a few ended up in his face when I tried. They were finally ready and we sat down to eat.

"Harry can I ask you something?" I said with a straight face.

"Shoot!" he said with a smirk.

"Where are your parents?" after that his smirk went to  flat line on his face.

" I've never told anyone this but, I'm going to tell you because I feel like we have a bond." he paused. He thinks we have a bond?

"My parents left me and my sister when I was around 14 and my sister was19, she was already in collage so she bought this house for me and her and I have been living alone here since. i even pay for it now since I was 18. I guess my parents didn't really care much about me and I didn't want to tell you because  didn't want to freak you out because I really like you."  he was a little teary after so I noticed that this was a touchy subjet.

"Harry i'm so sorry and I would never think that you were a freak. I'm about to tell you something I have never told anyone before...... My parents pretend like I don't exists and praise my brother. they never even talked to me not even hello or how are you." I paused and started to tear. "when I moved her I left behind all the people I cared about and then I met you and saw hope for ENGLAND because you make me laugh and smile and talk to me." I said and then he pulled me into a passionate kiss which turned into a make out session. After about 5mins we stopped and he asked me a serious question.

"Will you be my Girlfriend?" My heart stopped.


Cliff hangerrrr! I will update...... maybe heheehehe! sorry it's so short but i'll make the next one longer!

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