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Okay here's my day since I have nothing better to do! Ezra has ditched me. I know, he's the best friend ever.

Okay, so as we were lining up outside Science, our first lesson, I noticed that my best friend wasn't there and I got really pissed because I thought I'd be spending the day alone but turns out that she was just in the school shop for a while. The happiness I felt when I saw her was unbelievable. Okay, so in the lesson, my best friend and I just went over our plans that I cannot reveal because of the people who read this book. I think the Recreation Gang would have talked more about HP if Isobella_Riddle had been at school today but unfortunately, she wasn't.

Then it was Spanish, which, at first, I was worried about because I thought we were going to do our speaking assessment which I hadn't revised for. But as she had been absent the previous lesson, all we did was mark our reading assessment - which, I am proud of. I got 29/32 in the reading test, and 9/11 in the translations.

Then came PE, which was surprisingly fun because all we did was shoot balls into the net. Plus, my best friend and this classmate of mines kept winning the small games we played against other teams.

It was then Lunch and Tutor. For the first half of Lunch, I did the geography homework - although it was due the next lesson, I managed to do a pretty good piece of work - with my best friend and for the second half, Harmony_G_Potter kept bullying me. And in Tutor, she didn't stop. I was on the verge of crying because of the comments she made about my gang.

Next lesson was Geography which I had expected to be boring because Isobella_Riddle wasn't here today so I had no forms of entertainment, as she sits next to me but Miss let my best friend sit next to me. The only thing I remember from this lesson is memorising the learning objective: to identify the effects of climate change.

Then it was History, and I promise that my eyes were welling up because I was so close to crying. I HAVE FACED THREE BLOODY WEEKS WITHOUT MY PRECIOUS HISTORY BOOK, OKAY?! Sierra_R_Longbottom AND I HAVE NOT GOT OUR HISTORY GRADES BACK BECAUSE OF A STUPID TEACHER! I was so close to yelling at the teacher. For most of the lesson, I just grieved. The only good thing about this lesson was writing Zenist on my hand and redrawing the wrist mark of the Dark Side.

Then I stood outside in the cold for thirty minutes because my father [Is it weird that I refer to him as 'my father' when I'm having a chat about him to someone, but when I'm directly talking to him, I call him, 'Daddy'?] was running late. I just kept spamming Ezra because my best friend was in Drama Club.

And then I got home and cried because of how late I was on the Castle On The Hill music video.

And then I got happy because Zoë uploaded a vlog.

And now I'm sleepy. I'll probably go to bed soon. Byeeeee.

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