Okie, first lesson was Science in which the teacher was really annoying as he kept stopping us and acted as if we were making the most noisiest racket in the world. Before Science started, Isobella_Riddle said to me, "Your post," and I think that she thinks it's about her - the most recent one - so now I'm really worried because it really isn't.
Second lesson was Spanish, and everyone was really frustrated because she said she would have a new seating plan but she didn't. I really do think I participated a little bit more in this lesson. Instead of ignoring everything she says, writing the words down and then learning what they are after school, I decided to actually concentrate and put my hand up a lot. She was a bit more soft this lesson.
Third lesson was PE, and oh my god, it was hilarious. Sierra_R_Longbottom was arguing with one of the girls I used to hang out with during Lunch, and her best friend kept saying that I was being an idiot by not standing up for Sierra. And trust me, I was PISSED. Whenever I defend someone and get involved in the argument in order to support them, I get judged because apparently I'm trying to join in the drama and make it worse. But when I don't, and decide to give them support outside the argument, I get judged as well. WHAT THE FLIP DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO?! The other team were cheating, and they were the ones that couldn't accept it even though we all knew it. At least our teacher saw the obvious and made them stay later than everyone. Aqua and I ranted about the teams we had to be against - because the team she was facing just talked about dirty stuff - whilst we walked to the changing rooms.
Then it was Lunch where Sierra_R_Longbottom ditched me, so I ate lunch with Harmony_G_Potter and Isobella_Riddle , because they're nice. However, what we learnt from this half an hour was that Harmony_G_Potter is actually anorexic. We were planning to have a therapy session at 3:00 after school but Harmony was refusing to come to terms with her anorexia! And Sierra kept telling us that Harmony didn't have anorexia! I don't understand. A good friend would admit when their friend needed help, and would do their best to give them that, instead of pretending that their friend was fine and not treating their illness. Isobella_Riddle and I were just being good friends whilst Sierra_R_Longbottom told Harmony a lie. WE HAD SO MUCH PROOF! THE WATER, THE MARYLAND COOKIES, THE SUPPOSED DIET! Some people will never accept the truth.
It was then Geography, which would normally be EXTREMELY fun but we had different groups today and although I had Harmony_G_Potter - Team Peeta forever - I would have preferred how it was last week, obviously, where we all sat together. Sierra_R_Longbottom and Isobella_Riddle were together on a different table and they made up their song.
This is the songs they've done so far:
Isobella's List:
• Mrs Polar Bear [Mrs Potato Head]
• Help Hostage [Pity Party]Sierra's List:
• Harry Bear [Teddy Bear - this song shows how Voldemort was actually just a hilarious prankster whom everyone loved. This song shows how much he loved babies.]And now they've made a song together-I'm not sure what it's called [the tune is Carousel though] yet, but we're making a music video for it NEXT THURSDAY BECAUSE Harmony_G_Potter can't come any other days.
Last lesson was History, which I assumed would go awesome. I thought Sierra_R_Longbottom and I would be getting our grades back but it's the fucking sixth week she's forgotten. I don't know how I didn't yell at her because right now, I feel like I could break a fucking wall and I'm just remembering it! We learnt about racism and slavery-it's an interesting topic but not one I'd like to learn about.
After school, I just brought food for everyone. Got so many cookies from the refectory and for 35 minutes, all we did was eat which was bad considering that this was the only time Sierra_R_Longbottom and I could finish off our English assessment, which, I am actually quite proud of, especially considering our time limit. We all got further proof that Harmony_G_Potter is anorexic, due to the cookies, and we also learnt that she's a weirdo [we knew this already but '1950-1960' really confirmed it].
And then yeah.. I just came back from shopping with my mom and I got Capri-Sun and Sunbites Chilli Crackers, both of which I'm planning to give Sierra, Isobella and Harmony tomorrow.
My Secrets & Randomness III