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"Harry?" Angie mumbled, squinting at my face. She either didn't want to recognize me or ignore the fact that I accidentally hit on her. 

The guys' hoarse laughter sounded behind me. I turned my head just enough to see them falling to the floor, clapping like walruses. My cheeks reddened and I looked down, gritting my jaw. I didn't even want to know what Danny was gonna say.

Becky cleared her throat. "So are you gonna write my number down or what?" she asked plainly. I ignored her.

Angie shifted in place and tugged at the strap of her kiddie bra. "How did you lose your cell phone?" she mumbled quietly.

I laughed semi-nervously. Angie didn't even realize I had accidentally tried to hit on her and Becky. (And it was an accident, mind you). I just wanted to prove to the guys that I had what it took and I happened to get Angie and Becky's attention-- well, mostly Becky.

At this point, Becky lowered her phone and slipped it back into her pocket. But she contined to smile at me coyly.

Tony jumped on my back, laughing hysterically all the while. "You got Angie and blondie," he choked. He was squinting from laughing so uncontrollably.

Angela crossed her arms over her chest, slightly offended by Tony's laughter. Becky stepped toward Tony.

"My name is Becky, not "Blondie," Becky corrected sternly. Tony's grin disappeared and he narrowed his eyes at Becky.

"I don't give a rat's ass," he spat. Becky glared at him with more contempt than Kris Kardashian when Kendall refused to do another PR stunt.

Tony leaned closer to Becky. "Blondie," he added, just to get a rile out of her. Becky swung her fist at his jaw, but he ducked back just in time, which only pissed her off even more.

"Stupid sophomore," Becky spat, sticking her tongue out at Tony.

"Vapid Virgin," he hissed back.

"You don't even know what 'vapid' means," she shook her head. Tony flustered a moment. "And I'm no virgin," Becky mumbled incoherently. 

Tony heard her faintly, but decided not to push it further. They stalked off to opposite sides of the street. Becky clung closely to Angie, while Tony casually walked back to his place against the wall.

"Are you two done?" a voice boomed gently. We all turned to see Danny walking up to the center of attention: me and Angie.

I kicked a stray pebble and shoved my hands in my pockets. My hands always caused problems. It's easier when I can hide them.

"Nice pick-up line," Danny nodded. There wasn't a trace of a smile or wink or grimace, just a plain nod. He stepped closer to me. "Next time," he began, eyeing me. "Don't use it on my baby sister."

Angie sighed loudly at "baby sister," but she didn't make any objections. She adjusted the strap of her kiddie bra. At the rate she was changing, she won't be a "baby" any longer.

"Of c-course," I nodded. Danny turned and began walking down the street. The rest of us had no choice but to follow him blindly.

Niall glanced between me and Angie, then covered his mouth, trying not to laugh. He walked closer to Angie and tugged at her cheeks. My fists doubled in my pockets.

"So when's your recital, Jelly?" he grinned aimably, casually wrapping his arm around Angie's waist. Jelly? What kind of a nickname is that?

I coughed randomly. Niall turned and glanced at me briefly before returning his attention to Angie. 

"In a week," she nodded. Her eyes darted to the ground. Niall tugged at her pig tails. They looked even darker in contrast to Niall's wheat blonde hair.

The Angel with Papery Wings [prequel]Where stories live. Discover now