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(Note: The following scene is a bit different from the original one I wrote for KNIGHT. Also, listen to "Am I wrong" by Nico and Vinz for this chapter :)


I felt someone's lips on my neck. I rubbed my eyes and realized it was Angela. She laughed shyly and rested her head against my shoulder. 

"Goodmorning to you, too," I grinned. 

She smiled. "I liked your poem. A lot," she admitted with a soft laugh.

"I thought you would," I winked.

She laughed harder and stretched her body. She had curled up next to me the whole night. I watched as she rubbed her shoulders and looked down. Her cheeks grew red as she realized her chest was bare. Quickly, she grabbed the covers and pulled them up to her neck. I shook my head. Despite the fact that I made her come last night and have seen nearly every part of her, she's still shy about showing her body.

"I'm gonna take a shower," she told me, tucking a hair behind her ear. I wasn't sure if that was an invitation for me to join her or a mere statement. 

I leaned up on my elbows, debating whether I should just follow her in. But I decided against it. I would get hard as fuck seeing her body  wet again there's no point in torturing myself when I know I can't go all the way with her. Yet.

She pulled the covers up with her and wrapped them around her body. I watched her quietly, but slightly nervously walk over to the bathroom. I heard the covers fall to the floor as she twisted the shower knob. I stood up, rubbing my messy hair. I probably looked like Frankenstein right now. 

I was about to start making the bed and change into a new pair of boxers but I heard something in the bathroom. I smiled. Angie was singing faintly. Her voice was deep, but still gentle, like she was whispering a lullaby.

I pressed my ear to the door and smiled. I glanced at the door knob. Angie tried to hit a high note and failed miserably. She laughed at herself. I chuckled to myelf. She stopped singing.


I twisted the knob and walked in. The curtain blurred her figure, but I could see the contour of her breasts and hips and her dark hair flowing down her back.

Angie peaked her head from the curtains and her eyes bulged.

"W-what are you doing?" she squeaked softly.

"I didn't know you liked to sing," I smirked, watching her eyes. Droplets of water caught on her lashes and she blinked.

"I'm terrible," she laughed, holding her hand over her chest in a cute but slightly awkward manner. I tried not to laugh at her nervousness. Instead, I turned to the sink and brushed my teeth.

"No," I shook my head. "You're quite good. You just have to belt it out, let people hear you," I advised her. 

She shrugged. Just when I thought she wasn't going to sing again, she raised her voice and sang ten times louder. She even swayed her hips. The water glided down her chest and along the curve of her ass. She rubbed the soap slowly against her skin, following the contour of her hips and down to her smooth thighs, up and down, so slowly, so gently. I dropped my toothbrush.

"Am I wrong? For thinking that we could be something for real?'" she sang deeply. I bit my lip, placing my hand over the warmth growing between my legs.

I walked slowly to her. "That's just how I feel. That's how I feeeel," she added more soul to it.

"I'm tryna reach the things that I can't see..."

The Angel with Papery Wings [prequel]Where stories live. Discover now