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The next morning, I heard semi-deep male voices downstairs. Immediately, I ran to Angie's room, to make sure she stayed put while I checked out who the intruders were.      

I twisted the knob to Angie's room and it was locked. Sighing, I quietly inched to the edge of the staircase and peaked down.

"Zayn, the spoon is for eating, not staring at your fucking face," Niall grumbled. I almost laughed-- both in relief and amusement. I guess the guys really did like me, either that or they had gotten kicked out of their houses and decided to crash Danny's place.

"Well excuse me for trying to look decent," Zayn spat. Niall chewed his bacon loudly.

"Blondie needs to be put in place," Tony spoke absentmindedly. He twirled his spoon around in his whiskey and added some sugar, just for kicks.

"Who?" Niall raised a brow. 

"Rebecca," Tony answered.

Zayn laughed. "An 11 year old girl is bothering you?" 

Tony shifted in his seat. Niall shoved at his shoulder. "Damn Tony, grow a pair!"

Zayn nearly choked on his apple and wiped his stubbly chin with the back of his hand.

"Fuck off," Tony grunted. Danny shuffled to the table, gripping a mug of coffee. I walked downstairs and rubbed my hair out of my eyes.

"Morning sunshine," Zayn winked teasingly.

"Do you guys do this everyday?" I laughed, motioning toward the lot of them sitting in their PJs (or in Zayn's case, his best sweater). They exchanged glances and smiled. 

"Nah," Niall shook his head. "Sometimes we come for dinner or lunch or both or neither."

I sat down next to Niall. I liked these guys, I really did. They were close, they cared about one another, they made stupid mistakes and laughed about them.

"I feel like we're all hitched or something," I admitted with a slight chuckle. It was true. Eating and laughing together made up half the stuff married couples do. The other part, the intimacy would obviously would never work since we're all straight as rods and are dying to get the attention of even the most bitchy, prissy girl.

I cleared my throat as Sam came to mind.

"Well then hurry up and get ready, honey, we've got a lot to do today," Danny teased, mocking awoman's voice. I snagged some breakfast and rushed up to change my clothes into something more decent. I never cared much for how people perceived me, but being around these guys made me wanna at least live up to their standards. I felt like I had been accepted by them and I sure as hell didn't want to lose that unspoken invite. 

We were about to head out the door when I heard footsteps from upstairs and turned around. 

"Where are you guys going?" Angie asked. She rubbed her eyes and blinked at us. Niall scanned her flowery night gown and laughed. 

"Out, princess," he teased. 

"Nice dress, Angie," Tony laughed. Niall chuckled even more loudly. "Did you get it from Cinderella?"

I resisted the urge to elbow them both in the gut. Angie coiled her arms over her chest and pouted her lips.

"No. My daddy bought it for me," she told them. They all grew quiet. Danny walked closer to Angela, trying to ignore the sensative "d" word.

"Breakfast is on the table, Angie. Call me if you need anything," he told her. Angie nodded, gripping the knob at the top of the staircase. Her eyes met mine and I felt an overwhelming pull in my chest. It was as if a forcefield binded me to Angie, obligated me to stay within a certain distance of her. 

The Angel with Papery Wings [prequel]Where stories live. Discover now