ch.26 Pigtails

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I couldn't really see where I was running because the street was impeccably dark and my eyes were sweaty. No, I wasn't crying, my eyes were just really, really wet.

I had to feel along the bricks of the alleyway, hoping it would lead me to some light, or maybe total darkness. Either way, I just didn't want to think about Liam with Angie. I didn't want to think about why he was two-faced, nor did I want to even imagine how happy Angie must have been when he kissed her. I knew it was probably her first kiss and she must have been so excited, so thrilled that she had it with Liam. Perfect little golden-haired Liam.

My boot strap caught on a tiny, fallen tree branch. I tugged my foot away slowly, making sure not to tangle my laces in the thin piece of wood. Who was I kidding? Even if Liam wasn't in the picture, Angie wouldn't have wanted to kiss me. And why would I even think of kissing Angie? She's much too young for me. Plus, she's Danny's little sister. She's completely off limits. And yet, that's exactly why I must have her.

"Harry!?" someone called. I turned around so quickly that I tripped over my own laces and nearly crushed my nose as I fell forward.

A blonde figure jogged forward. My heart sunk lower in my chest. It was Niall, not Angie.

"Hey, man, you ok?" he gasped.

I laughed nervously. Niall bent down and reached out his hand to me. "What are ya doing out here?"

Staring at the boy I hate, kissing the girl, the girl I lov--

"Nothing," I replied under my breath. Niall shook his head and patted my shoulders. I had slipped into a pile of leaves and the scum on the asphalt.

"Well you better go get Angie. I just saw her with--" he stopped in mid-sentence. "I mean let's go home."

I shook my head and stood firmly in place. "It's ok, Niall. I saw them," I shrugged.

Niall blinked a few times, trying to find the best way to avoid talking about Liam and Angie, while also trying to comfort me.

"Are you tired? Hungry?" he asked randomly. "Cause I'd love to go down to Five Guys and get me some fries," he rubbed his stomach. I shook my head. 

"Niall, it's ok, I don't care that he kissed her," I told him bluntly. I didn't know who I was lying to more: Niall or myself.

Niall stared at me blankly. "Ok," he mumbled. We walked back to Danny's in silence. Niall was smart enough not to ask any more questions. And I was broken enough not to be able to answer any questions he had.

When we reached the house, Niall stayed for a bit and chatted with Danny while I ran up to my room. and threw myself on the bed. I just layed there, staring at the ceiling, listening to my heart screaming in my chest. I didn't understand why I felt so crushed. He had only kissed her. What do I care if someone kisses Angie? Sure, I want to protect her from the assholes that will try to manipulate her, but Liam's only asshole quality is his threat to me. As much as I'd like to say he's an annoying little bastard, he's actually good to Angie. All I do is follow her around and yell at her when her skirts are too short... 

The door bell rang. I would have run down to answer it, but I didn't have the energy.

"What took so long?" someone asked from downstairs. It must have been Danny interrogating Angie. Good. I hope he grounds her, that way, she won't be able to see Liam again.

I turned on my side. Why am I so selfish? Just because girls don't want me doesn't mean I should ruin Angie's relationships. And the way things have been going for her so far, I was sure Angie would have many relationships-- not because she's remotely close to being slutty, but because she's unique. She's got something good, something pure inside her heart that I lost a long time ago. It's something that most people lose by puberty. But Angie hasn't lost it. And I hope she never will.

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