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I ran out of cool ways to say 'hi' lol. *exhale deeply* This is it. The KNIGHT books are done. Hangela's story is complete. I can't even begin to explain the emotions and thoughts running through my mind. I have had such an incredible experience posting my work here on wattpad. I've mentioned this in previous A/Ns but I distinctly remember when the first posted KNIGHT. I was so terrified of how people would react to it, that is, if they would even read it. But in my heart, I had this strange feeling that there was something special about the story, about Angie and Harry and the other characters. 

I may not have as many reads as some other fanfics out there, but in my mind, I feel grateful for you guys and your support. Some of you guys have been reading since KNIGHT had a few thousand reads. And some of you guys started my books only recently. Either way, your dedication and support is what matters to me.

I'm so beyond glad that I decided to write a saga instead of just one book. And I'm even more grateful for the comments and suggestions you guys have made throughout all the chapters I've posted in the last year and a half-- or however long you guys have been reading my work.

When I first started writing ANGEL, I honestly hated it. I regretted starting it because I wanted to move on from KNIGHT, get a new story going, but I was just too attached to Hangela and I felt like I owed Harry's character something. When I finished KINGDOM, I was in a weird state of mind. I felt so...empty...not in a cheesy Hallmark Card kind of way, but I just felt like I had nothing to do, like the good times had passed. Then I continued writing ANGEL and I can safely say I don't regret it at all. No 'Ragrats' lmao. 

Writing the story from Harry's POV is just so refreshing and interesting. Some of guys have commented about some typos I've made in some of the dialoge and the scenes, but those aren't typos per sei. As I've been writing ANGEL, particularly the scenes from KNIGHT, but in Harry's POV, I've edited some of the lines and adjusted details. It's not that I "forgot" parts of the scenes, but that I've been editing my work.

As cheesy as it sounds, I have grown so much since the first day I started writing KNIGHT. I used to be almost exactly like Angie; shy, nerdy, yet very opinionated and obsessed with Ponyboy Curtis lol. But I've grown to be much more open-minded and confident in myself and my talent. I'm no J.K. Rowling, but I have the passion for writing and I have a shit load of ideas that always seem to come to me at the most random times *cough* in the shower, when I'm in class, when I'm taking a test, when I'm half asleep lol. My ideas always come in the form of a very strong image. I had this image of a man in leather, walking down a darkly light street. That image turned into KNIGHT, but 99% of the time, the images fade because I fail to come up with a strong story line. 

I had another "image" a few months ago, of a woman standing on a balcony, with a tattoo of sorts on her back. For the past 7 or so months, I have been developing and editing and re-editing a story line to go with that image and I've decided upon CULT. It is a Harry fanfic and I know it's going to take time to get used to a new Harry with a new main girl and a whole new setting, but I'm very excited to be posting the first chapter in a few minutesSsSs.

I've moved on from Hangela, but I will always love them. My KNIGHT books need a shit load of editing, but there's a passion in Hangela that I don't think I will ever be able to recreate. And I don't want to recreate it because Harry and Katarina (the main girl in CULT) will have a very different chemistry that I think you guys will enjoy. 


Anyway, here's a brief rundown of the CULT plot. Here goes: the story's about a cult of serial killers: Liam the Ripper, Loch Ness Niall, and Bloody Harry. Each year, they kidnap and initiate seven girls before the summer soltice, performing violent and sexual rituals upon them before murdering them. They are marked by the cult symbol: Omega. The boys are fascinated with one girl in particular: Katarina. But under the orders of their cult superior, V, they are forbidden from killing Kat, however, they can torture her however they please.

V is very fascinated by Kat's quirky innocence and teaches her and the other girls how to use their feminine charms to manipulate men *cough* Harry and the boys. There are seven levels in the iniatiaion ritual and by following V's orders, the girls can either rise up or be murdered/kicked out...That's all I'm saying about the plot lol. I kinda just want to post it and see where it goes. I really hope you guys like it. It's very, very dark and disturbing. It's sort of like AHS meets The O.C., meets Teen Wolf lol. 



Mariam A. Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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